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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 546

Chapter 546 Winthrop Group at Stake

As expected, a news article from the Sun Gazette took the internet by storm at 5.00AM the next day.

The news described the Winthrop Family so differently than what was known to the public that everyone felt they were lied to.

'What? They're getting a divorce?'

'Not just a simple divorce. They're going to court!'

'I heard Callum wanted Elspeth to return the shares Mr. Winthrop gave her. Is he still a man?'

'What? Callum isn't wrong. Elspeth was the one who cheated.'

'Whoever marries Callum has bad luck. Look at that personality of his. Since she cheated, it just means that she couldn't take his s*itty attitude anymore.'

'Are you crazy? How could you justify her cheating just like that?'

'When are they going to divorce? Will there be a banquet?'

On the other hand, far away in the Bluestone Corp, Arthur had a satisfied grin when he read the news.

When he swiveled his chair around, he saw a fidgeting Tomas sitting on the couch, so he graced the poor man with a gentle smile. "Are you sure that you heard her say that she likes someone else?"

Even though he was happy that she didn't like Callum anymore, he couldn't let go of the fact that she had fallen in love with someone else.

"Yes. She told me that herself. But I feel like she was lying to me."

Yes. That. Arthur finally felt relieved and relaxed a little.

"Good job. I'll transfer the money as promised."

Tomas smiled, and a hint of pride filled his handsome face. "I actually didn't do a lot. I was lucky that Elspeth took notice of me and told me everything."

The smile on Arthur's face froze slightly. "You say she took notice of you?"

Tomas had not realized he had said the wrong thing and continued on, utterly oblivious, "Yes. It feels like she was pretty interested in me. She was even speaking sweetly to me. But I held my ground and only asked her questions."

The first time Tomas saw Elspeth, he was instantly enamored.

She was alluring yet enchanting. Of course, it definitely helped that she was gorgeous. His eyes couldn't help but widen when he saw her slender, fair legs underneath the nightgown.

More importantly, he noticed how she would glance at him here and there in secret. Didn't this mean that she was interested in him?

By now, Arthur's smile had become dangerous. Tomas was too confident for his own good and naive to boot.

"Then, I should reward you. You've done more than I asked for."

However, Tomas shook his head, a little embarrassed. "It's alright. It's nothing. I just did what I should. I—"

Before he finished his sentence, a punch suddenly landed on his face, and he fell back onto the couch.

Arthur massaged his stinging knuckles and scoffed, "Who do you think you are? Do you really think she will like you?"

Although Tomas was infuriated by that blow, he still suppressed his anger as he thought about how powerful Arthur was.

"I didn't mean that. I meant to say that she trusts me."

Arthur smirked, "You still want to continue?"

Tomas was frozen stiff from the dangerous glint in his eyes and shook his head furiously.

"No. No. I didn't mean that. She doesn't trust me…" Tomas struggled to find the words.


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