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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 549

Chapter 549 How Dare You

"She misunderstood," Hank explained as he pulled his arm away from Cecelia and looked Yelena in the eyes. "I explained it to her clearly. There is no need to continue with the acting."

Cecelia was just about to squeeze out some crocodile tears but had to retract them upon hearing that. Immediately, she pouted her lips. "Why didn't you say it earlier? I even had to pinch myself to squeeze out some tears. Don't you know that it hurts?"

However, Hank did not feel guilty at all. "Well, you didn't give me a chance to speak the moment you entered. You have been rambling about your sperm supplier."

Sperm supplier? Yelena shivered and looked at Cecelia with a strange look. Cecelia only realized that Yelena must have misunderstood Hank's meaning after pondering on her expression for a few seconds and immediately explained, "It's not what you think it is. Hank meant the father of my child!"

"The father of your child... You mean you're pregnant?" Yelena instinctively repeated her sentence, and a few seconds later, she pointed at Cecelia's belly and asked in a trembling voice.

"Yeah, it's normal nowadays to be sleeping with your partner, isn't it? Or are you implying that you and Hank have yet to develop to that stage? Hank might look cowardly and is a pure and innocent little virgin but don't underestimate him just because he looks average and has never even dated before. After all, he threw away piles of love letters like trash. So, it's normal that he doesn't have any experience in that matter."

Cecelia patted Yelena's shoulder with a solemn look. "You shouldn't abandon him just because he's a virgin. He can still be trained."

Yelena glanced at Hank, leaving aside the fact that he had never dated before… She thought that it was a miracle that someone had the guts to write him a love letter because he always looked like someone owed him a lot of money.

"Stop worrying about others and mind your own business first," he lashed out at Cecelia without having a single regard for the friendship. Only then did Yelena realize why Hank commented so confidently that he and Cecelia did not like each other and that any potential possibility of them eventually being together was laughable.

Alas, Yelena also did not expect that she needed to play the role of peacemaker at this moment. She pulled Hank's sleeve to signal him not to add fuel to the fire and then smiled to appease the about-to-explode Cecelia, "Okay, don't fight. Cecelia, you have a baby in your belly. You shouldn't get too riled up."

Cecelia nodded upon hearing Yelena's words and held her arm while she looked at Yelena sympathetically.

"Yelena, you're such a cute girl. I just don't understand how you could be with Hank. I don't think he's good enough for you. Why don't you break up with him, and I'll find you someone better? I met so many handsome guys when I was studying abroad. Let me bring you to see the world."

Hank instantly pulled Yelena behind him as if he was trying to shield her from Cecelia. His eyes darkened, and his tone became angry. "Cecelia, why don't you find yourself a knight in shining armor instead of meddling in other people's relationships?"

Cecelia no longer felt like messing around after getting reprimanded by him. So, she tossed away her phone in boredom. "Fine, then. Remember to protect your little sweetheart. You better watch out before someone else tries to pry her away from you since she's so cute."

"Mind your own business."

At that moment, Yelena noticed a figure walking toward the door and knew that it was an excellent opportunity to get the two's attention away from fighting each other again. So, she shook Hank's arm.

"We have a guest coming."

He narrowed his eyes as he turned to look at the person at the door.


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