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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 553

Chapter 553 Arthur Has Lost His Mind

Next to them, Blake was frozen in place. He had never imagined that the brother he had always chased after would think of harming someone—and that someone was their younger brother whom they both grew up with no less.

For the longest time, Blake had been stumbling around the entertainment industry and did not know much about their family issues, but he still knew that although Arthur looked unapproachable, he still loved their family deep inside. However, all of this was just a lie to obtain their family fortune.

"Arthur… I still can't believe that you'd be able to do something like this." Blake looked at Arthur's twisted expression in shock as he said, "Max was the youngest, and he'd always been following in our footsteps. He told me that you were a little quiet, and even though you were nothing but kind to him, it always felt like you weren't happy about something, so he wanted to make you laugh more."

Hearing that, Arthur suddenly fell silent.

"He'd always been worried about you and cared for you a lot and would make sure to take out the time to call home even if he was in school, but you never picked up the phone." Blake took a deep breath. "Edmund was always the one who answered, but what Max asked the most was, 'How's Arthur? Is he still unhappy?' But I never thought you'd actually think about harming him."

Naturally, Arthur was unwilling to believe him easily, and he scoffed. "Stop lying. Isn't Callum the person he cared about the most? Don't bring up brotherhood in front of me right now."

"Arthur, are you even human?" Edmund threw a punch at his face, sending him to the ground as he practically roared, "All of us could see how kind Max was to you except for you. All you care about is those goddamn stocks and family fortune of yours!"

As Arthur looked at the pain in Edmund's eyes, the vicious rebuttal that was just about to spew out of his mouth got stuck in his throat. Was he really wrong? However, he'd had enough of constantly being neglected and disdained growing up. When he was a child, it was due to his chubby figure, and once he got older, it was because of Callum. It felt as if he'd never been taken seriously in his entire life.

"No matter what, everything has its consequences. Listen here, Arthur, you will pay for what you did one day!"

Arthur stumbled to his feet and wiped the blood away from the corner of his mouth with his fist. "Okay, I'll be waiting."

Upon seeing his unrepentant expression, Elspeth decided not to give him any more chances, and soon, police sirens were heard outside the window.

A look of shock flashed past Arthur's eyes. "You called the police?"

"We said we'd make you pay, so of course it would be a painful price."

Not long later, a group of police swarmed into the room and stared at Arthur, who was standing in the center.

He spread his arms and said, "You don't have any proof that I did anything. It's useless even if you call the police."

"Who said I don't have any proof?" Elspeth slammed a document on the table. "This is the evidence that you violated the contract."

"I see. No wonder you were waiting for me here."

It made sense now why she was dead set on not signing the contract earlier.

"I was waiting for the right time."

Upon saying that, she clapped her hands lightly, and a person slowly walked out from the corner.

It was the person in charge who had been frightened earlier, and he cowered until Elspeth sent him a glare, after which he hurriedly rambled, "I can attest that half a year ago, Arthur instructed me to damage Max's racing car in the racing competition abroad so that his car would malfunction and cause Max's death. I also have our call history and transaction records here."

A crack appeared in Arthur's expression. "Didn't I tell you to delete the records?"

The man dared not reply, while Elspeth smiled calmly next to him. "I guess you don't know who I am."


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