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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Margot’s Medical Emergency

“Is love that important?” Arthur’s words sounded ridiculous in Elspeth’s ears. She retorted, “It is indeed important! Why would you even be with someone if you do not love her? Arthur, what else do you consider more important than your relationships?”

He was taken aback at her surprising remark. “There are of course more important priorities! You can’t only live for relationships alone.”

In his life philosophy, relationships were the most useless of all. He was so practical and detached that he appeared to be devoid of emotions.

“That’s enough. I hope you will stop asking me to date you before you figure out the definition of love.” She flashed a smile at him and finally clutched her luggage, ready to leave.

Elspeth was immediately stopped by the butler once she marched out of the doors of the Winthrop Family. “Miss Lynwood, you can’t do this! How should I explain it to Mr. Winthrop if you leave?” Mr. Graham stared at her with a troubled expression.

“I’m moving out of the Winthrop Residence, not severing ties with the family. Mr. Graham, take it easy.” She almost chuckled at his efforts at blocking her.

Callum ran into Elspeth and Mr. Graham at the entrance upon his return. He looked slightly uneasy at the sight of Elspeth’s departure but pretended to look unconcerned. “Where are you going?”

“None of your business.” Elspeth fired back and rolled her eyes. The fact that Ophelia tagged along with Callum only strengthened Elspeth’s resolve to leave.

Ophelia appeared dumbstruck. “Elspeth, why are you moving out of the Winthrop Residence?”

Despite the tone of her question, she was secretly overjoyed at Elspeth’s exit. Great! Elspeth has finally given up and wanted out! That girl is no match for me!

“You don’t have to worry about that. Isn’t this good news for you?” Elspeth smirked at Ophelia’s pretense. The latter instantly felt unfairly accused. “Elspeth, you misunderstood me. I didn’t mean it that way. I—”

Callum finally spoke up. “That’s enough. Stop bullying Ophelia.”

“You think I’m bothered to do so?” Elspeth felt a gut-wrenching pain and desperately wanted to leave the scene. “I shall not keep you from enjoying your time together. Time for me to leave. I don’t want to be your third wheel.”

As all her actions would be misinterpreted as bullying Ophelia, she would rather remove herself from the situation sooner.

“Elspeth, please do not overthink! There’s nothing between him and me. I’m just back here to meet Mrs. Winthrop, and Callum came with me since he was heading here too. It’s not what you thought!”

She answered coolly, “I did not overthink. Whatever you do, that’s your business.”

On the other hand, Callum felt a chill at her firm decision to leave. “What now? Are you going to move to Jordan’s?”

That instantly led to Elspeth’s outburst. Fuming, she bellowed, “Callum, stop that nonsense! There’s nothing between me and Jordan!”

“Oh? Elspeth, you have a crush? All this while, I thought you were crushing on Callum. It seems like it’s all in my own head,” Ophelia chirped with a smile.

Elspeth could not stand the loaded conversations with the pair anymore. “I’m leaving.”

Just as she dragged her luggage to the door, she was interrupted by a scream from upstairs. “Madam! What happened?”

Elspeth, Callum, and Ophelia put aside their heated exchanges and rushed up to Mrs. Winthrop’s room upon hearing the scream. They were shocked by the scene that greeted them in Margot’s bedroom.

Margot was lying on the floor with her eyes tightly shut, looking like she had fainted from stress.


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