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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 746

That year, Alice was 14, and Damian was 21.

As usual, Damian went to pick up Alice after school. Just as he habitually slung his backpack over his shoulder, he suddenly heard whispers coming from a corner.

“He’s Damian Lynwood, isn’t he? He’s so good-looking.”

“It’s not just his looks. He’s also the sole heir of Winthrop Group. His grades are decent too. You don’t know how many girls at our school tried to pursue him to be his girlfriend back then.”

“Forget those girls back then. Even now, just looking at him makes my heart race.”

Damian didn’t pay it much attention; after all, in his mind, nothing was more important than picking up Alice.

However, Alice’s face suddenly fell. Damian thought she might be feeling unwell, so he bent down, gently cupping her face to check on her. Seeing that she was fine, he sighed in relief.

“I thought you might be ill. If nothing’s wrong, I’ll take you home first.” Damian smiled and started walking with a light step. “Oh, by the way, my mom made your favorite food today!”

Alice managed a faint smile. “Damian, can I skip going to your place for dinner today? I want to go back to my own home.”


Alice lowered her head and fidgeted. “I’ve had dinner at your place seven days in a row. I just want to go home for once.”

Damian’s face showed a hint of disappointment, but since it was her request, he naturally wouldn’t refuse.

“Then I’ll walk you home.”

Unexpectedly, Alice shook her head. “No need, Damian. You can go ahead. I’d like to go home by myself.”

“Tell me the truth. What have you been through?” Damian was quite perceptive, noticing her unusual mood.

“I’m really fine. Don’t overthink it.” Alice smiled, shaking her head. Though she was putting on a brave face, Damian could still sense something was off.

“I advise you to tell me the truth. Otherwise, I might get angry.”

Of course, Damian had no intention of genuinely getting angry with her, but he could still use the threat to his advantage.

As expected, Alice trembled a bit and hesitated. “Damian, you’re about to graduate soon, and I’m sure you’ll be busy with work afterward. You won’t have as much time to pick me up from school. So, if possible, I’d like to get used to commuting on my own.”

Oh, that’s the reason.

Damian’s smile slowly returned, mixed with a touch of tenderness. “Don’t worry. No matter how busy my job gets, I’ll always come to pick you up after school.”

Damian’s words were always genuine, and this time was no exception.

Alice’s smile reappeared. “Then I want to have my favorite food!”

“Okay, let’s head to my house!”

However, the next day after school, Alice waited at the school gate for a long time but didn’t see Damian anywhere.

Naturally, she felt quite disappointed. After all, he had promised her yesterday, but today, he broke his promise. It was irresponsible of him.

Alice cursed him silently in her heart countless times until the sun had completely set, and the street was lit with dazzling lights before she finally decided to head home with her bag on her back.

Since Damian usually picked her up, the Damazio Family didn’t send a driver to get her. Fortunately, the school wasn’t far from her house, so Alice thought a short walk wouldn’t hurt.

As she walked forward listlessly, a figure suddenly stumbled toward her from a corner.

Alice focused her gaze and her eyes immediately lit up. “Damian!”

Chapter 746 1


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