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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Ophelia truly hadn’t expected Elspeth to be so capable to dig up so many clues. She trembled in fear, and her legs were barely supporting her as she almost fell to her knees.

“Why aren’t you saying anything? Weren’t you debating with me with such eloquence just now? Why are you so quiet now?”

Elspeth smiled as she saw how shaken Ophelia was. She knew right then that the information she dug up was bona fide evidence.

“I didn’t! These are all fake; you faked them!”

At this moment, Ophelia could no longer keep her calm. She couldn’t help the trembling in her voice, and as she looked at Elspeth’s confident expression, she felt like the world was spinning.

Elspeth continued asking. “Then, explain to me how these things can be faked. If you don’t believe the photos, you can get the videos tested to see if they’re authentic or not.”

Callum stood at the side. When he looked at the evidence tossed onto the table, he was genuinely shocked.

He had never thought that Ophelia would be the person who harmed Margot. Ophelia was the little girl who had grown up with him in the Winthrop Family, and she would cry when she accidentally stepped on an ant. He couldn’t believe that she would hurt her own family.

“You have to explain yourself, Ophelia.”

He was still willing to give Ophelia a chance to deny these things.

“I… Callum, you know me. Mrs. Winthrop is so nice to me, so why would I harm her?”

Callum took a deep breath. “After all this, how can I trust you?”

He was about to say something, but at the next moment, the door was suddenly pushed open. Arthur was making his rounds with a nurse, and when he saw the three standing there in confrontation, he let out a chuckle. “What’s going on? Looks like you have a serious situation here.”

“Arthur…” Ophelia bit her lower lip and sent Arthur a pleading look. “Arthur, how can I possibly be the culprit who harmed Mrs. Winthrop and that Lydia girl? I don’t know that girl at all, and I’m closest to Mrs. Winthrop! Why would I harm her?”

Arthur lowered his gaze, smiling. “Of course, I believe you. Come, show me what evidence you have.”

money is for murdering Lydia. As for this photo with my mom, it was too dark and I can barely make out anything in it. You’re clearly checking the infusion tube, so how did it turn into you pulling out the tube?”

He had instantly turned things around for Ophelia with just a few words.

Ophelia could finally calm down her anxious heart. She looked at Arthur and gave him an unwonted smile. “Yes, Arthur, you’re still the same person who understands me best since young.”

Callum’s eyes seemed to be covered with a thin mist, and no one could decipher his true thoughts. However, a gleam did flash across his eyes.

“Also, Mom hasn’t woken up yet, so how can we be certain that Ophelia has done all this?”

Ophelia nodded fiercely. “That’s right. If Mrs. Winthrop wakes up, she’ll prove my innocence!”

She didn’t know when Margot would regain consciousness, but she knew that she had to grab every opportunity she could get to clear her name.

It was a good thing Arthur was here or she wouldn’t know how to get out of this situation.

“If that’s so, then Ophelia might not be the mastermind behind all this.” Callum lifted his gaze calmly. “The others can leave. Elspeth, I have something to talk to you about.”

Arthur and Ophelia left, just as they were told.


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