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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 100

  1. Having Fun in the Helicopter

At the heliport, Louis and Emily couldn’t cover their teeth. They felt elated especially when they were dressed in special uniforms like pilots. Their chatter became even shriller.

“Look, Mommy! This dress is very beautiful. It suits me.”

“I’m cool too. If my hand wasn’t in a cast, people would think I was the pilot.” Louis patted his helmet proudly.

A moment later, Frank appeared in a similar uniform. His name was engraved on the right chest.

“Wow, I also want my name on this shirt,” Emily said with extending neck.

With a faint smile, Frank.showed two small boards. Seeing their names engraved there in gold ink, cries of joy once again echoed.

“We have it too, Louis! We have it too!”

“Woohoo! We really are like cool pilots!”

Laughing along, Frank put it on for the twins.

“Now, you guys ready to take off?”

“Ready, Captain!”

With high steps, the toddler stepped forward. However, realizing that their mother was not following, they stopped.

“Mommy, why are you still there?”

“Come on, come to the helicopter!”

Kara curled up her lips. “You two can go with Mister Harper. Mommy

will wait here.”

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“The helicopter capacity is four people. Come on, Kara. Come with us. Do I need to prepare a uniform for you too?”

Frank’s words made Kara gasp. “What about the pilot? You want to make him sit on the propeller?”

Frank laughed lightly. “You have the heart to make me sit on the propeller?”

Louis and Emily suddenly looked at each other. “You’re the pilot?” they exclaimed in unison.

Frank’s warm eyes focused on the twins. “Yes.”

While the toddlers were stunned, Kara’s eyes wandered around looking for the truth. “Is he serious? He’s going to fly the helicopter?”

Jeremy smiled. “Young Master has a flying certificate. He has even won competitions.”

However, Kara’s gaze was still filled with doubt. “Really? You’re not making us guinea pigs, are you? Louis and Emily are still very young.”

“You’ll find out the answer later.” Frank took Kara’s hand ar

way towards the helicopter. The woman spontaneously leane backwards.

“Wait! Little Bees, you’re not serious about flying with Mr. Harpe you?”

“Mommy, Mr. Kind wouldn’t fly the helicopter if he couldn’t.”


Kara grimaced at Emily’s calmness. She wondered where the little girl got that courage.

“Louis?” She glanced at her son who was walking casually beside her.

“For this time, I believe him, Mommy. I saw a mini helicopter and a gold plane in his office. I thought they were just for display, but now, I


they won pics.

Kara no longer expressed anxiety. She just frowned, suppressing the pounding in her chest. Since giving birth, her courage has decreased a lot.

A moment later, the four of them entered the helicopter. Frank and Louis sat in the front, while Kara and Emily occupied the back seat.

“Woah! This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!” Louis shouted through the small microphone attached to his helmet. His head could not stay still, compensating for his confused eyes to see the dashboard or the propeller that was starting to spin.

Emily nodded in agreement. Even though her back remained pressed against the backrest, her eyes were no less agile in sweeping the view outside the glass wall.

“We’re not even flying, but this is already so cool. What will happen when we are as high as the clouds? I really can’t imagine.”

Frank chuckled at the twins’ chatter. After making sure everything was “ready”, he gave the signal, “Let’s get on the air!”

Shouts of joy accompanied by laughter immediately domi headset speakers. Kara heard that too, but her heart beat seer louder. Her lips were still muttering prayers.

When they had reached the sky, Emily touched her hand. The too already had the courage to straighten her back from the backrest.

“Mommy…, it’s okay. Mister Kind is a great pilot! Look! Our helicopter is very stable.”

Kara glanced outside. They were over the city. The buildings looked like toys, the streets seemed endless, and the cars looked like Louis’ toys. Seeing that beauty, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

A moment later, they entered the harbor area. The roads were now


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