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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 22

Chapter 21:




Can a person be more evil than her. I followed behind Sin as he carried Caitlin towards our room. My mind was swirling with questions and my head pounder like a drum.

Sin opened the door to the room, placing Caitlin on the bed and walking to the couch on the far end of the bedroom.

"Is He.. The one who touched you?" was the first question the came out of his mouth.

All I simply did was nod. I could hear his heavy breathing. He was angry but trying to keep himself calm. He closed his eyes trying to think straight and not giving into his wolf.

" I am going to kill him." he said darkly.

" Sin, if Ravecca has anything to do with this we need to get her as far away from us as possible or she might hurt you or Caitlin." I spurred. He lifted his hand stopping me midway.

That's it? He didn't believe me did he?!

"Isabelle my love, he said, 'your mother', I have two mothers. I can't just say Ravecca, Abigail is there as well." he said making me open My mouth in disbelief.

"Why are you trying so hard to not suspect Ravecca. Abigail is your birth mother, she did nothing but love you, she wouldn't dare hurt her son." I said to him rashly.

In my hardest times she was there for me, she tried giving Sin all of her love, but he rejected it. There's no way a mother that bore her child for 4 werewolf months would want to hurt him or her. He needed to get that straight.


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