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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 23

Chapter 22:

The sun peaked through the gray curtains of the bedroom. Caitlin stored between Sin and I. I blinked my eyes open adjusting to the sunlight. My thoughts from yesterday swirled in my mind allowing me to get a restless night, but never the less at least I had gotten some shut eye.

I sat up stretching and making my way towards the bathroom. I turned to look at both father and daughter passed out like rocks snoring with disheveled hair. I chuckles slightly as I closed the door preparing myself for the day.

When I had gotten out, both Sin and Caitlin were sitting on the bed playing rock, paper, scissors. Sin kept on loosing purposely as Caitlin eyes lit up and a big smile overtook her face.

Two minutes later as I used the towel to dry my now wet hair, Caitlin spotted me and jumped up on the bed.

"Mommy!" she yelled running towards me. I picked the tip of her nose giving her a kiss on the cheek. Sin made his way into the bathroom as I continued to pepper kiss her face.

I heard the shower run, as my face heated up with unreasonable thoughts and I swear I heard Sin laugh.

Fifteen minutes had passed before the bathroom door clicked open and the warm mist smoked out of the bathroom into the bedroom.

"Have you decided whether I should throw my mother into the dungeons Isabelle." Sins voice echoed behind me.

I placed Caitlin down as I turned to him, staring into his deep gray eyes. "yes" I replied without hesitation.

he pulled a shirt over his head as his hair stuck up in all directions. The sweet scent of just walking out the shower filled my nose, he smelt great. What?

He simply nodded and walked out of the room. Caitlin settled down as Yelena knocked the room door coming in and taking Caitlin away, to get her ready. I slipped on a floral dress and tied my hair up in a bun.

As I slipped on my shoes I heard a growl echo through the palace. I dropped my shoes running out to see if anything bad had happened, but Ravecca's high screams of anger reverberated in my ears.

"Sin! I am your mother, what is the meaning of this?!" she questioned undeniably filled with pride. Oh how I hate her right now.

"Mother, my mate seems to think you're behind everything from the start, I wint judge her opinion." he said bluntly.

Ravecca whipped her head looking towards me instantaneously I though she would have rotated it in a 360° turn.

"Isabelle my dear, what is the meaning of this?." she questioned venom in her voice.

"you know exactly what this is. You think your schemes to get the throne for your sons is going to be easy, but you better forget it." I said to her with just as much venom in my voice.


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