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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 31

Chapter 30

Pulling away from sin, my heart still shattered the question that had been bothering my mind for hours on end rolled off my tongue.

"does Abigail hate me this much?" I questioned confusion ringing in my head. My mind was in a frenzy, I did nothing to her, but yet because of her actions I've been through so much. I do t understand why

Sin remained silent as his jaw ticked in annoyance. I let out a sigh walking up the stairs towards her bedroom. I needed to know

Knocking on the door and waiting patiently for an answer as nosound came through the large oak doors of her bedroom.

Pushing the door silently my eyes were fixated in a room that was losing her scent.

Ridhing out the door I numbed into a hard chest. I was met with deep gray eyes as sin looked down at me with a hard face.

"Sin she's not in her bedroom..." I said hastily as he looked at me knowingly

"She's in the dungeons." he Saud in a set tonr, making me freeze.

"Dungeons?" k questioned as he nodded.

"She's slowly losing her mind and senses. I can't let her roam freely after what she's done to you" he said firmly.

Staring at each other with hard eyes, neither of us backing down, a faint throat clearance vrought us out of the trans. Clair stood arms folded and eyebrow fsused questioningly i


"What seems to be going on here, for asevind it looked like you were gonna start making babies" she said making me burst into laughter.

Sin rolled his eyes at her comment.

"How is fathers condition?" he questioned making me raise my eyebrow at him in confusion.

"His condition has settled, we almost lost him Sin" she said with a heavy heart. "Moms going crazy down there, I thought you would let her out by now" Clair said confused with sins actions

"somethings off about her behavior, haven't you noticed? She's not the type of person to just put anyone in danger. Yes she's spiteful, but she wouldn't go that far" he said reasoning with Clair and I.

"Do what? You're going to keep her locked down there?" Clair asked as Sin nodded.

Chapter Thirty 1

Chapter Thirty 2


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