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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 32

Chapter 31

I sat in Caitlin bedroom as she jumped around playing. Her giggles brought a smile to my face as she ran up towards me.

"Momma, when's daddy coming hwome?" she questioned, her gray eyes staring into my eyes.

"When he's done with the meeting, he'll come to us, he did promise to take you outside. So be patient" I said reminding her.

A small knock came through the door as Yelena walked in.

"what is it Yelena?" I questioned as she smiled.

"The former king requires your presence." she said making my heart thump faster in my chest.

Sin's father wishes to see me. Me. Isabella. It's not that I wasn't avoiding him because I was. Let's just say we tend to argue a lot.

Him being sick was supposed to give me time to get my story together to explain why I hadn't brought his granddaughter to him the moment I knew I was pregnant.

"Your highness, Isabella?" Yelena asked worriedly looking at my discomfort.

Slapping a forced smile on my face I took Caitlin's hand, "We'll be right there." I said as she smiled walking out.

I let out a deep breath, as my heart pounded faster against my chest. I was not ready for this, but I had to face him.

Walking me and Caitlin out of the room I walked us towards the eastern wing of the palace. I never thought I'd be taking steps this soon towards it.

Caitlin skipped as she walked, a smile on her little chubby face.

Reaching the entrance of the east wing, I faced a few guards that directed us towards the kings room.

Standing in front of the door I closed my eyes ready to knock as a faint yet powerful voice echoed 'come in'

Gulping. I opened the door, Caitlin next to me. There seated on the bed with thick rimmed glasses and a book in his hand, sat the king on his bed.

"Your majesty." I bowed my head.

"Skip the formalities Isabella, come take a seat." he said.

I walked in and sat on the couch that occupied the center on the bedroom. He looked up setting his book, and his eyes met Caitlin's.

Looking at me and looking at her. His face held a scorn.

"So you kept her away?" he asked unhappy about it.

Chapter Thirty One 1

Chapter Thirty One 2


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