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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 33

Amelia's POV

I woke up to the sun shinning at my face. I snuggled into my warm pillow. My pillow start to grunt and I felt my pillow hug me back. Wait, pillows don't hug back.

I open my eyes to come to face with a chest. I looked up and saw my mate sleeping peacefully. I kept staring at his face studying every inch of his face.

I remembered everything from yesterday and started to blush. "You know its rude to stare, little one." he said suddenly startling me. My blush grew making me snuggle into his chest to hide my face.

"Urgh. don't blush like that. I wont be able to control myself." he said grunting as I hit his chest in embarrassment. He started to laugh.

"What's the time?" I asked him. He looked at the time. "Its a little over 1pm." he said making my eyes wide. "What?" I exclaimed.

I woke up suddenly only to regret. "Hey, slow down." he said with concern. I nodded my head. "We should leave. Its gonna take hours to go back home."

I was scrambling around. When I turn to look at him, he was just smiling at me. "What?" I asked him confused. "Nothing." he said with a smile.

I was packing our stuffs when I felt him hug me from behind. "Can't we stay for some more days?" he asked like a child. I sighed.

"We have pack work." I said turning to him. He sighed. We started packing our stuffs. After loading them into the car, we took off to the pack house.

We were talking and laughing as we head back home. We even had sing along. It was difficult to make Xavier sing. But somehow I managed to sing.

And he had such a wonderful voice. He thought he had a rough and masculine voice, but still it was lovely. I was admiring him singing till we reached back to the palace.

I squealed and got out. I had missed this place. Xavier laughed and carried our stuff. As soon we reached inside, Kendra squealed and hugged me.

I looked at her confused. "You guys finished the mating process. I knew the cabin was a good idea. Now I can have my grandchildren." she said letting go. I blushed at what she said.

My scent would have changed, to a mixture of both mine and Xavier's. "Mum." Xavier groaned as I laughed at his face. It was starting to get red.

"What?" Kendra asked innocently. Xavier rolled his eyes as he took my hands started to lead us upstairs. We were both blushing and decided the quietness was better.

Once we reached the top floor, Xavier turned to me nervously. "So," he started. I looked at him questioningly. "What is it?"

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to move in to our room?" he asked nervously. I laughed. "Yes." I said laughing. He let out a sigh of relive.

"Good, because your things have been moved to our room." he said taking my hand and leading me inside. "What if I said no?"

He just shrugged. I laughed at him. The room looked different from the last time I was here. It was painted in grey and also the bedsheet was in grey.

"Why is the room in grey? The last time I was here, it was black." I asked questioningly. He smiled sheepishly at me. I raised my eyebrows in questioning.

"Well, I had people to repaint this room to your favourite color. Grey." he said simply. I looked at him wide eyed. "You didn't had to."

"I wanted to, little one." he said hugging and kissed the crown of my head. I smiled and hugged him back. "Thank you." I said genuinely.

"Anything for my little one." he said. His eyes was twinkling in happiness. I don't think I have ever seen him this happy. He was happy, and that made me happy.

"You look happy." I said as we sat down in the bed. "Why wouldn't I be? My mate, my love, is in my arms. What else would I need."

I smiled at him. I don't think I have ever been this happy either. We stayed in each other arm for awhile, feeling content and I finally pulled away.

He frowned when I got up. "I need to take a shower." I said as I went towards the washroom. "May I join?" he asked mischievously.

"No, you may not." I said as I closed the bathroom door. I heard him grunt as I laughed. I quickly showered and stepped out when I realised I didn't bring clothes. I face palmed.

Chapter 33 1


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