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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 35

Amelia's POV

I sighed as I plopped down in the couch with a book in hand. As I start to read, my mind wandered off to everything.

It has been almost two weeks since I found out I am pregnant and I have not told Xavier anything about it. I had dwelled on telling Angela, but I didn't want to burden her from hiding something from her Alpha King.

He knows something is wrong, but has not pressured me in telling him anything. I seriously have no idea how to tell him or how he would react which had me in a twist.

I sighed and started to read, knowing it would calm my nerves down. I heard the library door open and someone's head popped in. It was Xavier.

"And how did I know you'd be here?" he said with a fake thinking face. I chuckled. But soon my smile fade and I tried to fake a smile.

He walked towards me smiling softly. He could easily spot the fake smile. "Hey." he said softly cupping my chin. I gave him a tight smile.

"I'll take a shower and we both can hang out here alright?" he asked. I nodded my head and return to my reading. As he was away. I started to think.

I should tell him. I can't keep it away from him. I can't hide it any longer. Either way he will come to know considering I will start showing. I am telling him today.

I closed the book and waited for him. Minutes felt like hours, when finally the door open slowly. My head quickly snapped to the door as a frown made its way in face.

Xavier looked tensed and rigid. His aura was scary and I stared at him confused. When I looked at his eyes, his eyes held, anger, disappointment and sadness.

"Xavier, what happen?" I asked him rushing to him. Before I could touch him, he stepped away. I was shocked as I saw him bewildered.

He slowly took something out of his pockets. When I saw what it was, my eyes went wide. It was the ultrasound picture. How did he find it?

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Xavier, I can explain." I said trying to reach out to him. But he just stepped back. Tears start to run free.

"Why?" is the only thing he asked me. I just stood there not knowing what to say. He looked shattered. "Why didn't you tell me? Were you ever gonna tell me?"

"Yes!" I said immediately. "You have known for almost for 2 weeks. But you didn't tell me. Why!" he exclaimed. I jumped at his out burst.

"Please let me explain." I cried. Before I could say anything he just walked off. I looked at his retreating back. I fall to the ground crying.

I was sitting beside the fireplace. The fire burnt my skin. But I couldn't be bothered. The burn in my heart was even more painful.

I should have just told him. I was a coward. Why didn't I tell him. Thoughts just ran wild as I cried and cried for hours.

Chapter 35 1


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