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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 32

Amelia's POV

I woke earlier to do breakfast for the both of us. I was doing pancakes, bacon and eggs. As I was setting up the table, I heard him coming.

I look up to see him frowning. "Good Morning." I chirped. "Bad morning." he said with his sleepy, husky voice. "Why?" I asked confused. He sighed and shook his head while nuzzling his face in my neck.

"You weren't there when I woke up." he said hugging me tighter, his warmth engulfing me. "Sorry. I wanted to make breakfast, before you woke up."

"You don't have to do any of this." he said. "Well, I wanted to." I said smiling. "Not that I complain. I love your food." he said getting to the table, like a kid.

I laughed and served the both of us breakfast. We started to eat our food, while talking and laughing at random things. I was literally crying due to his jokes.

"Oh my goddess. I can't believe you and Nathan did that." I said laughing hysterically. "How come he never told me any of this?"

He just shrugged his shoulder. Once we finished eating, Xavier insisted that he washes the plates. I said I can do it, but he wouldn't let it.

"Hey, you never answered my question." I asked waiting for him to wash the dish. "What is it, little one?" he asked.

"Whose cabin is this?" I asked him looking around. "Its my parents. They used to come here, in the weekends." he said turning around.

His form was rigid and tense. I guess he is remembering his father. I walked to him and hugged him. He sighed and hugged me back.

"What was he like?" I asked him, still hugging him. He pulled away and smiled as if he was remembering happy times.

He led me to the couch and we sat down. "He was the best Dad." he said still smiling. "He loved both my mum and me so much"

"He used to train me. He always saw me as a strong warrior. We even used to go to the zoo, when I was younger. I will sit in his shoulder as he brought me around."

He was glistening with tears. "I miss him so much, little one. And then when mum left me also, I was alone. I never want to be alone again."

He hugged me. He wasn't crying or sobbing. He was just scared. And I would be too if I were to be in his shoes. I took his face into my hands.

"I promise, you'll never be alone again. Ever." I promised him. He just smiled at me. He trusted me that I will never leave. And I never would either.

We ended up watching movies the entire afternoon. Soon evening came around. "Hey, you wanna go for a walk?" I asked him. He kissed my forehead. "Sure."

We wore our shoes and went out. Xavier seemed to know his way around. We just walked around without saying anything, just enjoying the silence.

Chapter 32 1

Chapter 32 2


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