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How the Ice King Became my Doting Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 2

Stuart grabbed the marriage license and tossed it carelessly to Norbert.

It was like ticking off a checklist for him. He turned, got into his car, and slammed the door shut.

Caught off guard and fuming, Norbert yelled, "Hold on there, young man! You just got married, and you have a wife now. Are you planning to leave her behind?"

Stuart rolled down the window, ignored Norbert's words, and looked coldly at Morwenna. "Remember, this marriage stays under wraps. Don’t blab about us outside. It’s beneath me!"

With that, he revved the engine, leaving a puff of exhaust and speeding away before Morwenna could respond.

Norbert staggered with anger.

Morwenna quickly stepped forward to steady him. "Norbert, are you all right?"

Norbert could hardly conceal his embarrassment. He also wanted to ask if Wenna was okay.

Coughing slightly to clear his throat, he spoke earnestly, "Wenna, you know the deal with my grandson, don't you? He's tough to deal with and not good at much. You wouldn’t consider divorcing him, would you?"

Morwenna immediately assured him, "Of course not, Norbert. No matter how useless he is, I’ll take care of him. We believe in making a marriage work, not in talking of divorce lightly."

If the people in their circles knew that someone dared call Stuart, the feared tycoon, useless, they’d be astonished.

Norbert looked at Morwenna’s naive and sincere face, feeling like a villain who had tricked a young girl into a dangerous place.

Feeling guilty, Norbert decided to secretly transfer the ownership of Stuart’s villa to Morwenna when he got home.

Norbert had the driver take Morwenna to the villa where Stuart lived, hoping to give the young couple some space to foster their relationship before they returned to the Hetfield's Homestead.

He left in a hurry, intent on hiding the marriage certificate. That way, there’d be no easy way out for Stuart if he ever thought of divorce.

Windcharm Villas was the place where Stuart usually lived.

The villa complex wasn’t luxurious, even ordinary, with many preserved historical buildings.


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