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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 120

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 120

A Stance

My eyes flash and I’m fucking done with their twisted blackmail. I turn in a flash with blazing eyes, my hands slipping into their pockets where I know both men keep their guns. Cocking the trigger, I tilt my head.

“I’m done listening to your fucking blackmail, the both of you. Keep at it and I won’t hold back from blowing your fucking heads off. I’m here, and I know exactly how much you fucking need me. Keep antagonising me and I will not hesitate to kill either of you,” I say coldly. 2

I’ve had enough of their fucking games, but I also know how much value I fucking hold to them.

There’s a glimmer of surprise in Gerard’s eyes and even unease in Lawrence’s.

“Sebastian… we just wanted to make sure that you are-” Lawrence begins. He’s angry, but I really don’t give a fuck.

“Are we fucking clear?” I growl, my anger rippling through the halls.

“Are you forgetting who is in charge, Sebastian?” Lawrence says, his eyes cold.

“Last I checked… it’s no longer you,” I say, turning both guns on him and pulling the trigger just as Gerard shouts out. Blood splatters everywhere from the close impact of the bullet as his brains spill out of his head and his body falls to the ground – dead. 19

The sound of the bullets ringing in the hall as I empty body guns, pouring my rage into those shots. Gerard drops to his knees, visibly pale as he realises there’s nothing he can do.

“Congratulations, you’re in charge now,” I say coldly.

“Sebastian that was-”

“I hope you learn that I am not going to let anyone fuck me over. I accepted your condition to join on one single fucking term and that was that Sia will be healed. I’m warning you, I will ruin you all if anything happens to her!” I snarl, my eyes blazing as I glare at him. He’s exuding his aura, but it is nothing compared to mine and even he fucking knows that.


As much as I want to fucking behead him, too, I need that antidote…

“And it’s only right that the Kings’ hold the title of leader considering there are three of us here and only one Toussaint,” I say, holding his gun out to him.

He takes it slowly, a frown on his face, but I know his hunger for power will overpower any doubts he has.

“That was a reckless move, Sebastian…” he sighs heavily.

“I don’t really care. One more time that I’m questioned on my fucking intentions, I’m done. I don’t care about this entire fucking war, or who is on what side. I’ve made that clear. All I want is for my daughter to be healed. Blackmail me one more time and you will end up just like him.” I say quietly, my threat unmasked, backed with a promise he knows I will keep.

He forces a smirk, and though he’s trying to look relaxed, he’s anything but that.

I knew Lawrence was the mastermind behind them, and taking him out would ultimately make this easier for me, too…

“Spoken like a true King. You are indeed mine.”

Gerard smirks as he stands up and wipes his hands on his pants.

Not that I fucking want to be.

“Glad we’re on the same page… now that antidote,” I say, my eyes cold. /

“I will give it to you as promised, but how do you plan to deliver it? And to whom?” Gerard asks quietly.

I frown, “I haven’t thought so far. Especially since I don’t want anyone to know… perhaps I could sneak in. There’s got to be a way in where they won’t see me.”

“It would be risky.” He replies, looking down at Lawrence’s dead body.

“Is there a way that you might know?”

“There’s one, but the chances are they have discovered it since Agatha’s truth has been revealed.”

“So, she knows a way in or out?” I ask, masking the anger that is bubbling inside of me. Her betrayal is something that is still fucking with my mind.

“Yes, that is correct… an entrance right into the King mansion itself, but it is a risk. I’m sure they’ve figured it out or will soon. Do you also think you can still access the safe house as Zaia seems to have shut you out from all ‘security access, correct?”

Good point…

“I’ll find a way once I’m there,” I say, “But you do understand this is risky, don’t you?

That you have just killed one of our leaders and that will cause unrest amongst our people,” Gerard says just as Zade and Gaultier come into view.

They both look at Lawrence’s body on the floor as Zade snarls, running over to him.

“And you trust him?! Look what he’s fucking done!” he shouts, looking at Gerard.

Gaultier is observing me intently but remains silent.

“Silence Zade. We have to do what is right for Lawrence’s vision and it’s better our people don’t learn of this. Not before the war.

Gerard sighs, “It is a mess…”

“A mess? It’s fucking betrayal?! You are siding with him because he is a fucking King!”

“Lawrence is-was a very important person in our team! I am not siding with anyone Zade! Killing him comes with repercussions and that is a price that Sebastian will pay!” Gerard warns.

If you are all fucking alive for that.

“I will wait for it.” Zade spits.

“Then we make our move the day you give your daughter the antidote. You will sneak in, administer the antidote and then join us to destroy the triquetra…” Gerard says, his eyes now on me.

“I want to be the one to handle my sister

because I don’t think Sebastian can do that,” Zade says, his good eye filled with hatred as he glares at me. Gaultier puts a hand on his shoulder, but Zade shrugs it off.

“I think that’s fair…” Gerard agrees. “I think it’s time we move the plans forward. We won’t wait for Zaia to come to us, we will go to her.”

Fuck, that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to make sure Sia was alright before I even turned on them…

“I think that’s a good idea. After all, we no longer have surveillance on the territory, but we know the place inside out…” Gaultier says, cracking his knuckles.

“It’s time to make those bitches pay.” Zade spits, glaring at me. If it was up to him, he’d happily kill me too and the feeling is fucking mutual.

“Then it sounds like a plan, let’s end this. I’m looking forward to reclaiming my pack.” I say, not that I deserve it in any fucking way, but I’ve pushed them enough.

“Then let’s tell our members that Lawrence is dead… and move the plan forward for tomorrow night. Sebastian, I will hand you the antidote…

but as you can understand with everything that has happened, I will need to take precautions.”

“Of course,” I reply. I wasn’t expecting anything else.


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