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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 49

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 49

Chapter 49 A Father’s Decision

ZAIA. Two days have passed since the shooting and although Sebastian made it, he is still in critical condition according to the doctors. Luckily his body is fighting, and I know he’ll make it.

He just needs the time to heal and let his body do the work. Our Pack doctor also said Sebastian’s healing speed was something he has not seen before and is healing far faster than the average Alpha.

It made me happy to hear, my crazy, infuriating, yet sexy Alpha will get through this. “We need to tell the Kings,” I say quietly, looking at Dad.

We are back home and although I had managed to handle things as his men agreed to listen to me; I know I need to tell his family. Currently, his family think he is still on a business trip.

And if I don’t tell them, his men will. Some had already been hesitant for me to take him, but Daniel and Jai had helped turn that around in my favour.

Dad sighs. “Yes, I understand that, so I’m presuming you will do it.” “I have to. This is no longer a joke or something we can keep a secret. We are all in danger…”

“It’s like one step forward and ten back, Jai says quietly.I look at him and smile sadly. I can understand that…

When we returned, the first thing he told me was that Valerie’s brain had shown some activity several times. And with the moon. almost at its fullest, I have hope it’ll help her even more.

“This was a deadly fight… there are chances that Sebastian saw the attacker.” Jai says as he looks at the injuries, burns, and bruises that covered Sebastian’s body. The state he is in is not just by one bullet, he had been attacked violently. Brutally.

They wanted him dead. His hands had been a mess of cuts too, to the point, I don’t want the kids to see him like this. This isn’t the first memory I want them to have of him.

The guilt I feel is worse. I wish I had let him stay … I had told him to go, thinking only about the children and my own safety. I didn’t think he’d become a target…

“I’m going to go back,” I say quietly. “Back?” Dad asks me sharply as I step closer to Sebastian and tenderly caress his jaw.

“Yes, I will go back and take my place as the Luna… until he is better. Enough hiding, enough obeying this monster’s threats. It’s time to show them that we are united and that I am his Luna. He wanted me back… so it won’t be a lie… I need to go there and do this our way.” I say.

“Yes, damn girl, that’s it. You are our rightful Luna. The pack will not fault you. Come home.” Jai says, making Dad glare at him with irritation. “Uh sorry, Alpha…”

“It’s dangerous,” Dad says. I nod… “I know… and it’s why I want to request that I can take my security team with me….

those who have been there and are trusted from day one,” I ask. It’s big, and I know I’m asking a lot…

“You were meant to become the next head of this pack… will you abandon me?” Dad asks. quietly. His voice is emotionless, but I know he’s upset. I walk over to him as Jai silently leaves the room. “No. I will be here for this pack too…” I say softly. He frowns. “You mean combine the packs?”

I smile softly. “Are you saying that you have already accepted that I am going back to Sebastian for good?” He frowns. “No! Not at all. Who knows, he may never wake up!” He scoffs. We both know that’s not true. He’s just in bad shape.

“Dad… I want to be able to leave the house without the risk of someone wanting me dead. I want the children to be able to live freely. I think we need to find out who is behind this before one of us actually ends up dead.”

He takes my hands and sighs. “Very well… I understand…”

“And that includes you, you have been pulled into this and I’m worried for you too,” I say, hoping he listens. He has been my rock, and we have become closer. I can’t deny that despite his strictness, he has been nothing but good to me.

“I will take care of myself. You need not worry. However, before I allow you to leave and if anything is to happen to me… I want to announce you as the future… Alpha of this pack.

I need to talk to Annette too…” He frowns and I know he hasn’t told her a lot of things. “Ok, I will wait until you are ready for me to leave, but please let’s not delay. I will call the Kings and let them know about Sebastian for now.” I say.

He nods and adjusts his jacket, taking out his phone. I see the multiple missed calls from his wife and smoothly look away. “Very well, we will have the ceremony tomorrow evening. It is a full moon after all. Something you would be proud of.”

“I think it’s befitting,” I say, knowing he, like most, didn’t care about the moon cycle. I glance back at Sebastian before I leave the room and return to where the kids are currently sitting at the dining table waiting for dinner. I take a deep, calming breath before I paste a gentle smile on my face and stride in.


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