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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 50

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 50

Chapter 50 A Past Mistake

ZAIA. “You speak as if you care… not once have you allowed us or Sebastian to see the children. What was he doing with you anyway?” Aran replies.

I frown. It’s not like they reached out determined to see the children. Perhaps Sebastian didn’t want them to, but regardless, it’s not like they tried.

“I do apologise for that,” I begin, deciding to be the better person. “As for Sebastian… we have… rekindled our relationship.” I close my eyes, hoping I’m not making things worse by saying that. Although I think Sebastian would simply find it amusing and probably won’t let me live it down.

“Oh? So let me get this straight. You kept us away from the children for years, then you suddenly get back with Sebastian and that’s when he’s suddenly attacked. And now you want to talk to us?” Aran’s words sting.

“Because I thought you’d be more concerned about his condition, than why I’m the one who is making this call? Not once have you asked how he is, Mr King…”

“You said he’s doing well. I know my son is strong enough to recover.” He says curtly. “Then… would you like to see him?” I ask.

“Ye-” Agatha is cut off, and I wait for Aran to speak. “We won’t step onto that pack’s ground. Since you two have made amends, then isn’t it correct you bring my son, and my grandchildren to me?”

“Very well, as soon as I have my things prepared, and Sebastian is a little better, I will bring him home,” I say. This isn’t the way this conversation was meant to go. “Make haste.”

“I will. Thank you for your time, Mr and Mrs King. Have a good day.” Aran hangs up and I sigh. The relationship between us will not be the same as it once was, but I guess that is ok…

I’m not going back to be the perfect Luna. I’m going back for business, with a mission on my mind and one I cannot afford to lose.

Standing up, I make my way to Valerie’s room, Jai’s there fixing the pillows under her head. When she wakes up, and she will,… I want to see these two together. Everything he’s done for her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asks, cocking a brow – an amused smile on his face.

“How?” I ask.

“Like you want to cry.” I smile. “No, I just want her to wake up and realise you two belong together,” I say softly. His amusement vanishes before he looks down. “I don’t know if I deserve it… not after what I did …”

I frown, tilting my head. That’s something Valerie refused to tell me, too…

“What exactly happened between you two?” I ask quietly. He lowers his head, and my own stomach twists with unease. “Jai?”

“I cheated on her… I was drunk and I was at a party and… I don’t know how one thing went to the next and I ended up screwing some other girl.” He says quietly.

My eyes widen as my heart clenches. I know how that pain feels and now it makes sense to me why Valerie never told me. Because she didn’t want it to affect the relationship we had as I was the Luna, and he was the Beta.

“How- I mean, did she find out or did you tell her?” I ask, trying to control my emotions. “When I woke the next morning and saw that woman in my bed… it all rushed back, and I realised I fucked up… I had to tell her the truth. I’ll never forget that look in her eyes though…”

I remain silent, how do you forgive someone who cheated?

“Even you are disgusted in me… I don’t blame you. I feel the very same way. But it’s why I will be here for her, not because I want to win her back… because yeah, that would be a dream come true, but I don’t deserve her. I’m here, because I want to make up for what I did to her. After all, I still love her even if I did fucking mess up. I didn’t and won’t expect anything in return.”

A silence falls over us as the open skylight above lets the moon shine down upon her. “I’ve been there… and it breaks you…” I say. She is so strong. She always has been. But I do wish she had told me…”

He nods, guilt clear on his face. “You know… I know it’s not much, but for what it’s worth, I don’t think Sebastian would have done what he did and in the way, he did if it wasn’t for the Ashbane.” He says. “He’s a better person than me, Zaia. He does deserve a second chance where I don’t.”

I stare at him, those words replaying in my mind. One sentence sticking out.

“Ashbane?” His eyes meet mine, a glint of confusion in them before they widen with realisation. “He didn’t tell you.”

“No. Sebastian was on Ashbane? When?” I ask, my heart thundering. “When everything happened, him…. Annalise, all of it, was definitely influenced by Ashbane.


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