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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 53

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 53

An Explanation

ZAIA. “Well goodnight, Ms Toussaint. I am thoroughly impressed with how far you have come. Oh, and…” Alpha Robert leans forward. “I hope you are recovering well.”

“Thank you, I’m fine,” I say, touching my shoulder lightly. It’s obvious no one wanted to openly mention me being shot; not wanting it to take away from the celebration at hand.

knowing that despite surviving and experiencing that, it means someone did try to kill me. I also know that it made people think highly of me; the whispers I have heard occasionally proved that.

“That is excellent to hear. You are a hero and so brave.” He walks away and Atticus approaches, hands in his pockets.

The expression on his face clearly shows he is a man on a mission. “Not now Atticus, I’m heading back,” I say quietly. The night is over, and I just want to return home to my family.

Dad said he had things to deal with and I’m sure he means the mother-daughter duo that left earlier. He is leaving now too, and most people have retreated. Some of the pack members remain and the staff will soon clean up.

“Zaia, I need to talk to you, Now.” His words are sharp, and he suddenly grabs my good arm, pulling me towards his car.

“Atticus!” I’m about to shout for him to unhand me when his hand clamps over my mouth, stopping me and an arm wraps around my waist. He glances around before pulling me into the  shadows.

“Stop struggling. If you are smart, Zaia… don’t cause a scene…what you did tonight was incredibly stupid,” he whispers, his lips.

brushing my ear.

My eyes flash and I’m about to hit him with my head when I pause. My heart is still thumping violently but I’m more curious about why he has been off all night and he had said he wanted to talk to me. Does he know something?

When he realises, I am calm and won’t fight him any longer, he slowly releases me. “What is it?” I ask, glaring at him. “Do not manhandle me next time.”

His gaze falls to my necklace before he shakes his head. “Really Zaia? You aren’t even listening.”

“Then tell me what it is?” I reply, exasperated. “Let’s get out of here.”

I’m not going anywhere with anyone…


“Zaia. Not here.” He mutters, glancing around. “Trust me… not out here…”

“Then at my home. We’ll talk at my mansion.” I state, just as my guards hurry into view and I step out of the shadows before someone raises the alarm.

“Ms Zaia…” Leon, one of the guards, says in relief when he sees me. He’s one of the new ones since we lost the previous ones. Dad had assigned some more of his trusted men. Their bodies falling so easily as they were shot down is something that still gives me the chills. Oh, how easy it is to end a human life…

“We will take you home, Ma’am,” Neil, another guard says. I glance at Aleric. “I’ll meet you at my mansion,” I say swiftly.

He frowns, but nods. “Very well.” The guards exchange a look before nodding and escorting me to my car. With everything going on, I can’t trust anyone, not even Atticus, and with the way he’s behaving it’s making me even more suspicious.

The journey back is fast and uneventful, but I don’t miss the way those who accompany me are on edge the entire way. Alert and ready for anything to happen. When we are at the mansion, the car is searched before we are allowed through the gates.

It’s only a few moments before Atticus’s car drives in and he gets out, walking over to where I stand on the front steps. “Can we talk somewhere private?” He asks.

I nod before I motion him inside and lead him to the drawing room. Two guards flank us when I stop them at the door. “We’ll be ok,” I say.

“Then we will be right outside,” Leon says firmly. I nod. “Thank you.” I close the door behind me, motioning him to take a seat.

He shakes his head, refusing me before he shoves his hands into his pocket and exhales. “May I ask why you are wearing that symbol?”

he asks. I cock a brow. “Does it mean something to you?” I counter. He looks down, clenching his jaw before his eyes meet mine before he speaks. “I know of it…

and I assume you do too…”

I watch him. Nothing is surprising me anymore. “The Blood Born. I am one, and someone wants me gone.” I state as if it’s the most ordinary thing to say. I cross my arms, ignoring the twinge in my shoulder.

His frown deepens before he walks over to me and, bending down, pulls up his trouser hem and pulls his sock down. My gaze falls to a symbol that is almost identical to my birthmark I’m stunned, how… how is that possible? 2

“And so am I.” He says, making my eyes widen. “You got shot, Zaia. You could have been killed if they wanted you dead. Have you forgotten?” 4

His eyes go to my shoulder. I had wrapped it in a skin-coloured wrap to blend in with my skin. He sighs and I look down. “You need to be careful. Tonight was like you were challenging them.”

That is the aim…

I had a moment when I wondered if Atticus was somehow involved, but this is not what I was expecting…

He fixes his sock and stands up, frowning deeply. “Zaia… I saw your symbol years ago, but it was obvious neither you nor your family knew what it meant and I know the Sable Triquetra needs you and we can’t let that happen.”

The Sable Triquetra?


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