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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 54

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 54

A Light at the End

ZAIA. My heart skips a beat as I stare at Jai, my legs refusing to move when he rushes over to me and quickly puts his arm around me to help me up faster, not wanting to hurt my arm.

“Quick!” Panic fills me as I rush from the room, stumbling as the floor seems to move and bend and I close my eyes, following him blindly.

Calm down Zaia….

“Look!” he says with uncontained excitement. I open my eyes, my vision blurring as I stare at the bed, it takes me a moment to realise what he’s showing me and my heart thumps as I gasp.

The steady beeping of the machine fills the room, and I stare at the EEG machine screen. There’s brain activity!

Not just a faint spurt, but a steady rhythm of increased activity. Hope fills my scrambled mind and my heart leaps in excitement. Valerie… It’s working!

I look at the moon, hope filling me. Thank you, Goddess…

My breath hitches as her lips move ever so slightly, as she lifts two fingers a little before she relaxes into her pillows and the machine calms down.

But neither of us is devastated, because one thing is clear, it’s working. It’s working! Meaning my Val is coming back to me – to us!

Jai looks at me and I’ve never seen him happier. “She’s going to make it. Everything be damned if she’s going to come back.” He says, giving me a smile that I have not seen on his face in a while. 1

“She is,” I say softly as I walk over to the bed and Jai goes around the other side, caressing her hair and her cheek. His heart is racing and my own fills with warmth. He really needs this. “Valerie…” Jai says, lifting her hand and kissing it tenderly. “You got this…”

I take her other hand, praying for her to wake up quickly, but I remain silent as I stand there, smiling softly watching Jai whisper encouragement to her.

“She will wake up,” I say after he falls silent, gazing down at her and I believe it. He’s remained strong, not given up hope, but seeing him like this meant deep down he did fear losing her…

I look at the moon before I kiss her forehead gently. I’m happy yet exhausted. The events of the day have been too much.

“Thanks, Zaia,” Jai says quietly. “You didn’t give up hope, and she’s getting better. Thank you for not allowing her family to pull the plug. I look across at him and shake my head.

“There is nothing to thank me for. She is as important to me as she is to you.” I say softly. He nods before he seems to observe me. “Are you alright? You look… pale…”

I shake my head, masking my emotions. Tonight is a good night for him. I don’t need to ruin that. We’ll talk when my own mind is clear too…

“Yes, just tired. Good night, Jai, I’ll talk to you in the morning.” I say. “She is going to wake up.” He nods, giving me a small smile.

“Goodnight Zaia.” He responds with a small smile. I leave the room, closing the door silently behind me, and head upstairs. I tread carefully to the twin’s room. They’re fast asleep cuddled against mom who is asleep as well. A storybook lies open on her stomach.

She looks tired, and it’s obvious she cried. herself to sleep. My heart squeezes as I gently pick up the book, not wanting to disturb her and place it down on the bedside table.

I can’t help but smile at all three squeezed into Sia’s bed, but they look content, so I don’t disturb them. Switching off the lamp, I fix the duvet, pulling it up and making sure all three are covered.

I place a soft kiss on each of their foreheads, Mom frowns slightly and I quietly move back before I turn and tiptoe to the door. I pause, my hand on the door frame as I cast another glance back at them and smile softly.

All I want is for everything to be alright so my children can have the life they deserve. One free from risks and danger. I leave the room, silently closing the door behind me.

I am about to make my way to my own bedroom when I pause and glance down the hall at the room Sebastian is in before I make my way there. Opening the door quietly, I slip inside. He’s still unconscious, but I can tell he’s getting better…

I’m sorry…

I lock the door before I take off my heels and necklace, dropping the jewellery onto the bedside table. I unpin my hair, letting it down.

before I walk over to the bed and slowly slip in beside him. His scent and his warmth welcome me and right now I need it. I rest my head on the edge of the pillow, not wanting to hurt him.

“Wake up Sebastian, there’s just so much going on… and I… I miss you.” I whisper, staring at the side of his face. So much has happened… and who did this to him? We still don’t know.

I lift my head, cupping his handsome face as I slowly lean over him and press my lips against his. Tingles of pleasure rush through me, my heart pounding, and a single tear falls from my eye. I need you…

With all the secrets and lies around me, he is the one I feel I can truly trust. Please wake up. I brush my finger along his short beard as I gaze into his face.


His chest rises and falls steadily, and I close my eyes. I sigh, as I lean up, planting a soft kiss on his forehead and I’m about to move back when his eyes open and I find myself staring into those brilliant sharp blues. My heart thuds as I stare down at him, it takes me a moment to comprehend that he’s actually woken up.

“Zai…” He croaks and I let out a shaky breath. “Bastien!” I say, flinging my arms around his neck. He grunts and I gasp, “Shit! Sorry!”

I jerk back, hoping I haven’t hurt him as I sit back on my knees, placing my hand on his chest as I look him over.


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