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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 55

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 55

A Strong Woman 

SEBASTIAN. I watch her as she sits there; her plunging neckline enticing me but the concern and worry I feel for her outweigh my desires – wanting to take away all her worries. Those men were there to make an example of me, but I turned out far stronger than they anticipated. Idiots.

But I also can’t deny that they managed to do damage. My entire body is in a lot of pain, and I can barely sit up. They wanted me dead, and I’m certain they left me to bleed to death…

I don’t know how I made it, but I’m glad I did. “We will handle this, don’t worry,” I say quietly. She looks down, her heart pumping fast. She’s trying to control her emotions and feelings just like she always used to, but she’s failing.

That’s why she is in here… I remember in the past when she had a lot going on, she would come to me if I was working late. She wouldn’t bother me. She’d simply come and curl up beside me as I worked.

She never demanded attention, never wanted to bother me, but I wish she did… I took advantage of her silence and strength. I never thought to push her and make her tell me, thinking if it was important, she’d tell me herself. Instead, I would simply comfort her, but I lacked in many ways…

I never tried to ease her burden, but I won’t make that mistake again, not anymore… it was our silence and miscommunication that made matters worse.

“You don’t need to hide what you feel from me, Little Fox,” I say quietly, reaching for her. I grit my teeth as pain shoots up my arm and my neck, but I manage to touch her chin, my body screaming in pain that I refuse to succumb to, as I take hold of it gently.

I’m unable to force her to look at me. I can barely keep upright, but she looks up anyway. Her gorgeous amethyst eyes are full of so many emotions and she’s struggling with them.

She grips my wrist providing some relief and cradles my hand to her chest. I try not to focus on the way my knuckles lightly graze her breast. My hand is bandaged too, I had grabbed one of the blades in them…

“Zaia, what is it? Answer me.”

“I’m impressed you’re even able to move.” She says softly. “Come here,” I say, wishing I could pull her closer, but I’m barely managing to stay upright as she so obviously pointed out. “Don’t attempt to divert the conversation, Zaia.”

Her heart skips a beat, and she looks down, sighing softly. “Do I need to command you, or will you obey?”

I ask, cocking a brow. She raises an eyebrow in return, crossing her legs, only to make the dress slip to the side, displaying those sexy legs to me.

“I don’t take orders from anyone, besides, you are looking at the future Alpha of the Crystal Shadow Pack.” She says proudly. “Respect to your fellow Alphas, Alpha Bastien.” I look up at her surprised, Alpha?

“Wow… congratulations…” I say, smirking slightly. She deserves it, she’s worked hard, and that is a title she is worthy of. I’m damn proud of her. “I’m incredibly happy for you.”

Her eyes widen slightly, and she tilts her head. ” Really?”

“Really. Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask, but as the words leave my lips, I realise what it means. It means that the possibility of ‘us’ is dwindling.

She shakes her head. “I don’t know… I just thought… never mind.” She brushes it aside, running her other hand through her hair.

I cock a brow. “That’s a lie. What is it?” I ask sharply. She looks up at me hesitantly, nibbling on her bottom lip, and shrugs. “I don’t know. I was under the impression you wanted me back as your Luna.”

My eyes flash in approval. That’s exactly what I want and, using all the energy I can muster, I lean in closer to her.

“Do you want me to want you as my Luna?” I whisper seductively. “Or do you want me to beg you to come back to me… because if that will work, I’m willing to do so.”

Her heart skips a beat before she rolls her eyes and pushes me firmly back onto the pillows, making me groan slightly. “Careful I’m injured,” I complain and she looks at me, unimpressed despite the blush on her cheeks.

“Don’t act too big for your boots, Mr King. I was just going to remind you that you’re still injured. You should stop flirting until you’re better!”

“Yet you didn’t deny what I said,” I remark cockily, having had enough. I take a deep breath, hook my hand under her knee and yank her unceremoniously closer to me. Oh, fuck that killed!

For a moment my vision darkens, and white spots cloud my vision as I clench my jaw. My head drops back on the pillow as the intensity of the pain numbs my senses.

“Sebastian! You’re hurt! What are you doing?” She gets up, cupping my face, “Bastien? No… please…” she whispers, and I want to force my eyes open. I feel her breasts graze against my face.

Hmm… maybe being injured isn’t so bad… I could take advantage of this…

Smirking smugly, I crack open an eyelid and she sits back, exhaling in relief.

“Thank the goddess!” I place my hand on her thigh, enjoying the feel of the smooth skin of her thighs clamped on both sides of my hand. ” You’re so careless.” She scolds, more concerned about me than my hand on her thigh. She’s so cute…

“Stop smirking like that.” She frowns. “Then let’s get back to the conversation, Zaia. You haven’t told me why you have the Blood Born symbol all over your body.” I say breathlessly. I need to know at least what happened in case I do end up unconscious again.

Just like that her face falls and I can sense her turmoil. “Where do I begin?” she questions quietly.

“At the beginning, doesn’t matter if it makes. sense or not, just let it out,” I say, caressing her thigh with my thumb. “If I don’t get anything, I’ll ask you after.”


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