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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 59

ZAIA. It’s the truth, and the moment those words leave my lips, I know it has always been the case no matter what.

He’s shocked as he stares at me. For someone who has been so shamelessly flirting with me, you would think he wouldn’t have been so surprised.

But right now, he deserves a little praise. He protected me. He took the blame when I was at fault too, for our separation. I kept them away from him, yet he didn’t let it come onto me. How can you not love that sexy confidence and dominance he exudes?

“Thank you,” I say quietly. I’m not sure if he knows what I am thanking him for, but I don’t mind. I’ll thank him again when we have a moment alone.

I look away, very aware of his arm around me. I close my eyes, cherishing this moment. It feels complete, this family of ours. I want this… somehow; I want it forever. This feels so perfect.

“It does.” He murmurs.

I freeze, as I look up at him sharply before I turn away. I… Did I say that out loud? I shake my head to clear my mind and turn back to him, only to end up inches away from his face. His gaze dips to my lips and I swallow slowly.

“They’re going to kiss,” Sia whispers as she leans closer to Zion, making me move back, flushing.

“No, we aren’t!” I say, jerking back as they burst into giggles. “Now, how about you both go play?” I suggest, trying to pull them away from their silly thoughts as Sebastian sits there, clearly finding it all amusing as he smirks away.

“So Mommy can kiss Daddy?” Sia asks. “Yucky,” Zion adds before laughing again. “No, so Daddy can rest,” I say, daring not to look at the man in question.

“But I want to stay with Daddy,” Sia says, pouting adoringly at Sebastian, who returns her expression with a smile.

“You can stay,” he answers. Hmm, seems like she will have him wrapped around her finger very soon, or … maybe she already does…

“Why do we have to go?” Zion questions unhappily. “Because your dad is still a little hurt. He needs to get some rest.” I explain as I stand up, very aware of Sebastian’s gaze raking up my legs.

I’m wearing a pencil skirt, with a tucked -in silk Cami, but the way his eyes are drinking me up is as if I’m naked.

“Oh no, how did Daddy get hurt? We look after Daddy.” Sia says as she touches Sebastian’s cheek. His gaze softens, and I see the concern in his eyes. I’m sure he’s picked up on her heart rate.

He kisses her forehead, cupping her cheeks for a moment before brushing her nose with his own. “I’ll get better. I just need to be a little more careful with what I’m doing,” he reassures her quietly.

I don’t know what it is, but seeing him talking to them, and just falling into that role he was always meant to fulfil,is making me feel all warm and cosy inside.

Goddess, what is this feeling?

“Come on, let Daddy rest,” I say gently. As I lift Sia up, she looks unsure. “But what if Daddy is gone?” she whispers, making my heart squeeze. Oh, my baby.

“He won’t go, I promise you,” I say gently. She’s about to reply when the sound of shouting reaches my ears and I frown.

Women’s voices…

“Zion!” I say as he rushes to the window.

Is that my Mom shouting?

“Oh, no Mommy! It’s the troll!” Zion says, staring wide-eyed at me. My eyes widen, and I know exactly who he means. Sebastian looks at me questioningly, and I sigh.

“Annette,” I say quietly. He frowns before understanding seems to dawn on him. “Your father’s woman.” He says.

“Yes, I need to handle this. You two stay with your daddy, ok?” “Ok, Mommy!” Sia says happily as she settles down on Sebastian’s thigh once again.

“Oh, boy…” Zion says, sounding adorable, shaking his head as he continues to look outside. I turn and leave the room making my way outside as fast as possible.

The front door is open, and Mom is standing there, blocking Annette’s path as she tries to get past her. Why was she allowed onto the premises?

“You aren’t welcome here!” Mom snarls. “Step aside Melanie! This is between Zaia and I! I refuse to talk to a conniving woman like yourself!”


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