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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 60

ZAIA. Annette’s face pales as she glares at Sebastian. “Lies. Complete lies. My daughter is pregnant with your child, Alpha!” Her voice is shaking, but I look at her sharply. Does she really believe that?

Sebastian looks at her unphased and cocks a brow. “You should really tell your daughter she needs to stop lying. Now leave. If you wish to speak to me, you may join her in two days.” He dismissively. says

I look at the guards, my eyes glimmering, and I know my wolf has surfaced again by the fear and nervousness in the eyes of the guards. ” Escort her out.”

“Yes, Alpha.” One of them replies, bowing his head to me before he motions for the men who had come 60 A Mother’s Displeasure with her to take her out.

“And one more thing… I want the eight of you to report to the pack house at eight tonight. I will talk to you all there.” I say quietly.

A tense wave of unease surrounds us, and I cross my arms. “Yes, Alpha.” They murmur in unison. “My men will be on duty,” Annette says, her voice shaking with rage.

“Someone else will have to cover, no excuses,” I say before I turn away. My eyes meet Sebastian’s, who is smirking, but there’s that sexy glint in his eyes that makes me giddy.

He watches as Annette leaves and I’m about to walk back inside when he grabs my upper arm and pulls me back, looking down at me.

I poke my eyes out questioningly at  him, refusing to be the first to look away as I gaze into his gorgeous piercing eyes that are devouring me with ease.

“Why is it so damn sexy to se go all Alpha mode on those assholes!” He murmurs, “It’s so damn sexy seeing you act so dominant.”

Oh, he’s such a charmer. I cock a brow, tossing my hair back. “I never knew Don’t tell me you like being submissive?” I whisper back tauntingly. you liked a woman to be dominant. It doesn’t phase him, and he smirks. “

Don’t get too ahead of yourself sweetheart, a woman who doesn’t bow down to a man is all the more satisfying to win over.” I roll my eyes. “Mhmm, your sweet- talking won’t work on me,” I whisper, but I don’t sound so confident.

He scans the now-empty garden before  leaning closer, his lips grazing my ear. ” Are you sure about that? Because I’m certain if I slip my fingers between your sexy thighs, they might just be soaking wet.” a

My cheeks burn, my core clenching and I realise once again he’s won this round. 1 glare up at him, pulling free. “You wish,” I say haughtily before I head back inside.

He chuckles as he follows, and I come to a stop, seeing Jai leaning against the door frame, grinning with amusement. “Check you two out. Seems like the both of you are turning up the heat.”

“Nothing of the sort,” I say, walking past him. “Obviously we are.” Sebastian’s cocky reply comes from behind me. “What is going on?” Mom asks. She’s standing there tight-lipped, and I can  tell she’s visibly upset.

I walk over to her and touch her shoulders. “Nothing we can’t handle. Something happened last night. I need to talk to Dad and ask what is g on.”

“She said her daughter is pregnant.” Mom whispers, looking at Sebastian suspiciously.

My heart squeezes, and a sudden thought niggles in my mind. Mom has always been negative and distrusting of Sebastian…. Did it subconsciously become the reason I never pushed for answers back then? I did distance. myself from Mom, and rarely visited because it was always negative when I did…

I shake my head, pushing the thought away; no, that was my fault. I can’t pin the blame on anyone else. “Mom, please, Sebastian is on our side, please accept it if not for him, then for me and the children. Please stop this.” I whisper to her.

She looks hurt before she turns away. ” I just pray that Annalise is indeed lying” She whispers. “I don’t want you hurt again.”

I want to say more, but the boys are right there and I’m unable to bring myself to say anything, so I remain silent. I will have a talk with her when we are alone. “I won’t get hurt,” I say quietly.

I glance at Sebastian and although he’s talking quietly to Jai, there’s a frown on his face. I’m certain he’s heard everything.

I look down, suddenly feeling down. He was never accepted by this family either …Mom and Dad both felt I was too good for him…

I smile softly, “Excuse me.” I say. I turn away from Mom and go to find the children before Mom can stop me. I hear the sound of their gigglind spot them in Sebastian’s room.

“Mommy! Has the troll gone?” Zion asks as he looks up from where he’s jumping on Sebastian’s bed.

Tilting my head, I go over to him and lift him onto the floor. “What have I said about jumping on the bed?”

“Daddy said we can do anything we want but to stay away from the window,” Zion says with a shrug.

My heart warms at that. Smart move, Bastian. “Oh, did he? But we know that jumping is naughty.” I say tickling him. He cackles as he runs away and I look at Sia, concern flooding me.

She looks tired as she sits on the corner  of the bed. She’s definitely overexerted herself today. I pick her up, listening to her heartbeat before I stand up.


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