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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 63

ZAIA. I stare at him trying to process everything he has just told me. My mind and emotions are wreaking havoc within me. How is this possible?

How could Mom do this?

How could she lie to me like this?

Annette is Mom’s sister?

I’m conflicted, but it’s clear he is not lying. There is so much to take in, including the fact that Annalise and I are not sisters but cousins. It’s our moms who are half-sisters, something even Mom doesn’t know.

This is a mess. First, I learn I have a brother, then I learn Dad had a brother, followed by me learning that Annalise is not my sister and that Annette is Mom’s sister.

That’s… confusing. But more than that is the fact that Mom cheated. I am unable to process how she always portrayed herself as the one being cheated on.

She genuinely looked the part too… I had seen her sadness and her struggle so many times. It’s not possible, I mean I believe Dad but is there a possibility it’s a lie? A misconception or maybe even a trick?

I’ve seen the raw pain Mom’s been in…. the sadness at the fact Annette stole her mate. That can’t be faked, can it?

Only a terrifyingly good actress could put up such an act for so many years. There’s got to be more to it!

She told me when I was old enough that it had broken her, realising Dad had cheated on her and wanted to be with his mistress. Why would she do that and break down into tears?

“Dad…” I say softly, we’ve never been close until the last few years, and even now I feel we are still becoming closer.

I don’t know if he’d appreciate my concern, but right now, I can’t hide the pain I feel for him. I love him and I want him to know I will always be here for him. “Look at me.”

He looks up from where he had his head hanging, and I smile gently. “Things will be alright…” I promise. Will it?

How do you recover from betrayal after betrayal?

“Of course.” He replies, reminding me of his usual self. My father is strong, that I know.

“Good, but if it’s alright with you… can I ask Mom about this? I mean, she’s always been so heartbroken with you cheating on her. Is there a high chance that maybe… maybe it wasn’t her? Of course I won’t mention the truth about you, Adam or your relationship with Annette.

He looks sad as he shrugs slightly. ” Maybe there’s a misunderstanding?” “No, it was definitely her, I saw her clearly, unless there is a woman who smells, and looks exactly like her then, maybe. It was my mate in that room that night.” he says quietly.

I feel disgusted at the thought but he seems so sure. “I see… then, may I confront her? It’s just that… I need to know.”

“If Annette finds out, it could mean the truth of Adam being brought to light.” He says quietly. I get it… that could put Dad in trouble….

“I understand…”

“I am fine with that. At some point the truth must be revealed… but until all this mess with the Blood Born and these attacks is sorted out, I can’t be locked away.”

“No. It won’t. I won’t let it. You are not going to prison father,” I say, a sudden thought occurring to me. “I have a plan …I can do this without mentioning you. “Zaia, what are you planning?”

I smile slightly. I need the truth from her… a part of me doesn’t want to believe this… but a part of me also wants to see her reaction when I question her about it. If there’s even a ray of hope that maybe, just maybe, something is untrue in this entire situation – something that was perhaps overlooked – then I want to find it.

“I will send a note to myself… with this information… something I will open in front of Mom, I want to see her reaction when I show it to her. It’s safe and believable, these people have pictures and things on both Sebastian and I, it will be believable.”

“Be careful. If that is what you want, and if that’s what you need to do to believe me, then go ahead.”

A flash of hurt skims through me at the fact I’m hurting him; and I take his hand. “I believe you Dad, and I am so sorry… All my life I’ve been told by mom that you cheated… you never denied it and I always blamed you for that… but to learn that it was not you but Mom who truly cheated. It’s shocking and I won’t deny that I am struggling to believe it…” I explain softly.

“If it’ll help you, regardless of what happened between us, your mother loves you, that won’t change, Zaia. Are you certain you want to do this now?” he asks. “I don’t want it to cause issues between you. Live in denial if you must.”

I nod. “No, I want the truth… If you allow me to do so, of course,” I say gently.

I don’t want to pressurise him when I promised him whatever he told me will not leave this room, but I am also warmed by his words in defence of Mom. How can your views and respect for a person change so quickly?

He seems to think over it before he nods slowly, frowning. “Very well,” he says.

“Thank you,” I reply. He looks tired, and I know he needs a good night’s rest, I think we both need it.

I want to ask him why he’s never liked the Kings and I’m sure there’s more to it than just business rivalry, but he’s been through enough today. That can wait for another day.

I stand up and offer him my hands. ” Come, let’s go home, I’ll make us both a hot drink, Father.”


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