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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 62

HUGH. I look across at her. My head is bursting with incessant throbbing. I have drunk far too much, but even then; it was not enough to drown out the suffering within my mind.

The turmoil of the past and present mix into one bubbling stew that is ready to explode. What exactly did I do for the world and the Goddess if she is up there to work against me time and time again? “Dad…”

She brings me from my train of thought, and I suck in a slow breath as I look at her. She is nothing like her mother. I am truly proud of her.

“There’s far too much to share, Zaia.” “I’m ready to hear it. You have been here for me father, let me be here for you.”

I sigh heavily. Never have I felt so tired of carrying these secrets. “The beginning,” I say as I tug free from her hold and stand up. “The beginning…”

I walk towards the window and stare out at the moon. Do I tell her? There is so much that this might change…

“Zaia… there is no turning back from here. If I tell you the truth, then-”

“I’m ready for it,” I say quietly. Am I wrong to tell her? But if something happens to me… she should know the reality.

“Very well then, I swear that everything I say is nothing but the truth. But I want you to remember that regardless of what I tell you, it should not affect the way you see things and… it remains between us.”

“Ok…” She sounds worried and I look up at the moon. It’s glowing brightly, almost soothing

It’s time to share the burden that has been on my mind for years. The mistakes I’ve made, the betrayal I was dealt, the sins I’ve committed… it is all becoming too much.

“I will go back to when it all began when everything was perfectly fine. When I was happy and content with my mother. I didn’t expect things to change overnight, but that’s just how life deals its blows… When you least expect it.” I begin, memories of the past begin to cloud my mind… Will it change things between us?

“You probably don’t know this, since I’m certain you would have mentioned it if your mother had told you… but… I had a brother, he was a few years older than me…”

She gasps, and I try to remain emotionless. “No, Mom’s never mentioned that.” She murmurs. “So, she didn’t.” I can’t help but smile bitterly.

Why does it still hurt? I nod slowly. “Well… his name was Adam, and he was all set to become the future Alpha.”


Where are they? I walk through the silent house, it’s too quiet.

Didn’t Melanie say she was going to be spending the evening with friends? I was away on a business trip and was not set to return until Friday, but after sealing the deal early; I was able to catch a flight home two days earlier than planned.

I couldn’t wait to spend the evening with her and surprise her, she’ll be happy to see me.

It’s not even 10 pm yet. Where is she?

I pause in the archway to the lounge, spotting the two glasses of wine on the table and the half-empty bottle.

I wouldn’t call that a party. I sniff the air. I can only pick up Melanie’s and Adam’s scents.

Adam? Was he back in town? Maybe she changed her plans because he showed up. I take off my jacket and put my small suitcase down, loosening my tie.

It sure was a long flight, but I wanted to get back quickly. I head upstairs to find her. I’m halfway down the hall to our bedroom when I stop outside the guest room, which Adam usually uses when he stops by.

Despite being the firstborn, he hasn’t found his mate, nor had he taken a Luna of choice, preferring his bachelor lifestyle.

The door to the guestroom is open, and I pop my head inside but it’s empty.

I continue down the hall to my own bedroom when the sound of moans reaches my ears. My heart thuds as I slowly step closer, fear clawing at me as a heavy weight settles in the pit of my stomach. Maybe Adam’s brought someone back with him…

I inch close to my room; the moans getting louder and sickening. I recognise that voice. I’ve heard it far too many times…

Turn away Hugh, what you don’t see, you don’t know…

It won’t hurt Leave. But no, I have to know. The lamp is on, bathing the master bedroom in a warm glow, and the door stands slightly ajar.

The sight before me is one that I will never forget. Melanie is on all fours on our bed as none other than Adam, my brother, is pounding into her from behind.

I’m frozen for a moment as she begs him to fuck her harder like ‘last time’. I turn away as my entire world crashes down around me.

My mate is cheating on me. My brother betrayed me. Silently I make my way back downstairs, I grab my jacket and briefcase exiting the house silently….



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