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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 79

1. A Team

Part 2 She Is The Alpha or I Am The Luna Chapter 79 By Moonlight Muse


“Is there anything else?” Jai asks as he grips my arm, desperate to know without losing his cool.

I look up at him, trying to sort my thoughts and emotions into words. It has been a few hours since Sebastian was taken away; I am back at the safe house and the children are in bed.

I had barely managed to keep my head on straight, telling them I wasn’t feeling well; but when they questioned me about their father, and where he had gone, I almost thought I would break down. But I didn’t, remaining strong for them.

But now, when I am with Valerie and Jai in the living room, I am a wreck. I can’t think straight and my stomach is knotted with nerves. I feel sick and worried.

How is Sebastian doing? Due to him being my mate, I was not allowed to interfere in his confinement or even inquire about the plans they have for his trial. What angers me is Aran’s involvement.

There’s just so many things I need to know. What exactly happened between Sebastian and Aran?

Surely Gerard wasn’t that close to Aran for him to completely lose it and go against his own son. “I told you everything that happened,” I say, running my hand through my hair once more. “Leave her be, Jai. She needs a moment to think things through.” Valerie says from where she is sitting.

“I know, but we don’t have time.” Jai murmurs. I know he’s trying to keep his cool, but he’s failing. The room beeps and he groans. “Sebastian is the only one who knows things about this place, and his cryptic instructions to me aren’t something I can figure out either. I think someone is approaching the main gate.” Jai says after pressing a few buttons on the security screen before he slumps back down onto the sofa.

I pace the room, closing my eyes, running my hand through my hair for the thousandth time. “Gerard isn’t dead and the fact he’s in the hospital means we need to watch him. I know he’s behind a lot, but for Sebastian’s sake, I hope he makes it.” I say quietly.

“Alright, so what do we have-” The doorbell rings and with the camera on the far wall I see Atticus waiting, fifty metres or so from the house, at the outer gate.

Walking over to the screen, I key in a password and press the button on the screen. “Let him through.” “Do you really trust him?” Jai asks. “Yes, we need to work together,” I reply, returning to the seating area. We’ll talk when he’s here.”

I bite nervously on my nails, it’s on me now… I need to make the right decision. I am the Alpha. “We have a lot to do, don’t we?” Valerie says. “I wish I wasn’t confined to this chair or feel so weak.”

I look at her sympathetically. She can take some steps but tires fast and I know it is upsetting her. “Perhaps you could try shifting. I know it healed Sebastian.” I suggest. “Maybe…” she says thoughtfully.

“We can try tomorrow night?” “You have the meeting with Annalise and Annette in the morning.” Jai reminds me. “I know, and I have to meet Harrison in the evening.” “I don’t think you should be leaving the pack grounds until things are sorted.” He gives me a firm look.

“He’s meeting me close to home. I just need you to hold down the fort when I am gone.” I say. Just as the door opens and Atticus enters.

“I was told to wear a blindfold, and I came here blindly. I’m not sure how to feel,” he remarks. “Don’t take offence by it. We do need to be careful.” I say quietly.

“I know. I was only trying to lighten the mood,” he says, as he comes over to me. “What’s wrong? You sounded distraught?”

“You need not worry.” Jai counters coldly. “Please boys, we need to work together, not against one another.” I remind them, turning back to Atticus, I found out the identity of the shooter.”

“Oh?” Atticus asks, concerned. “Yes… he is Aran King’s cousin. After the confession where he admitted it, he kissed me and so I pushed him. He is now in critical condition in the hospital and Sebastian took the fall for me.” I say bluntly.

Atticus cocks a brow. “You went from revelation to scandalous and then it just went dark and somewhat romantic?” I tilt my head, giving him a look, and Valerie chuckles.

“I never thought I’d say this, but we need to remain positive and try to be positive. Look, Sebastian sacrificed himself for you and to me, it makes sense that he did that. You are the vital point in the Triquetra, and we need you out of, not in prison. He’s a big boy. He can handle himself.” She says and the boys nod before frowning at one another.

“She’s right. Doctor Valerie is a wise woman. Listen to her.” Atticus says. “Doctor Scott, to you,” Jai says pointedly. “Men.” Valerie shakes her head. “What were you saying, Jai, before Atticus showed up?”

“What do we need to do next? I mean, now we know that Gerard was the shooter, and possibly the one who attacked Valerie.” Jai crosses his arms.

“I don’t think possibly is the right word. He looks so much like Sebastian, Jai, it’s uncanny. It was definitely him.” I say. “Bastard.” Jai growls.

“And he said his boys were the ones to attack Sebastian, and that includes my brother.” I sigh. “Any luck on knowing who the other one is?”

Atticus shakes his head. “Nothing. I’ve ripped apart all of Dad’s things and have shared what I know, and all Mom knows was what Dad told her, protect you, the main point in the Triquetra.”


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