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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 80

2. A Hearing or I Am The Luna Chapter 80 By Moonlight Muse


“I want to speak to him,” I say firmly, looking at the men who stand outside the small prison facility where werewolves are kept until they await trial.

Most things are handled by local law enforcement unless it involves something very personal to werewolves. “We can’t allow that. I’m afraid our orders are from Mr. Aran King-”

“I am the Alpha, and I command you to step aside,” I say clearly, I’m not here to play. They instantly lower their heads, hesitating for a mere fraction of a second before their shoulders relax and they dip their heads lower. “It’s not a pretty place, Alpha.”

“I don’t care. Step aside.” I repeat, motioning for them to unlock the doors. I need to get my own imprints done so I can access all areas of the pack without anyone’s permission. I need to be on top of my game in all aspects.

Once the door beeps and it swings open, I step inside. It’s dimly lit, the cold metal walls only making the place look even more dreary. I instantly pick up on Sebastian’s scent and walk towards it. The rest of the cells are empty. I stop outside the only occupied cell and look through the barred entrance.

It’s so cold down here. Sebastian is sitting on the narrow bed, one leg raised, his arm resting on his knee, the other one stretched out on the bed. His closed eyes, now open and look into mine.

My heart squeezes seeing him down here, as he stands up, coming towards the bars. “Hey, cheer up.” He says quietly.

“How? When you are in here?” I ask, reaching through the bars. He reaches through the bars, his arms not getting far, and grips my face with both hands. “It won’t be for long… I promise you that. What happened?”

I grip his wrist, closing my eyes as I touch my forehead to the metal bars. It’s uncomfortable on both sides of my face.

“He’s the shooter Seb. He’s the one who attacked Valerie, and he’s poisoned Sia… he said he has an antidote to heal her.” I say quietly. He tenses, his heart thundering. “Sia is being poisoned?”

“Yes, from birth… he did something.” His eyes flash and I can see the rage inside of them. “So, you’re saying Gerard is behind all of it?”

“Part of it, yes… I don’t know, things weren’t meant to go like this. He said I needed to stay away from you and then he…” I don’t want him to get angry in here, but I need to tell him what happened.

“Then he what?” he asks. “He kissed me… and that’s when I pushed him,” I say hesitantly, looking up at him slowly. To my surprise, his eyes soften as if something suddenly made sense. “I knew it,” he murmurs, closing his eyes. “Fuck I’m glad.”

“Knew what?” “That he must have done something to piss you off.” He answers, making me smile slightly. I hate this distance between us. I want his arms around me.

He slowly caresses my face as if understanding how I feel. “They won’t be able to keep me here for long. Stay alert and do what you need to, alright?”

I nod slowly. “I’m going to get you out of here, I promise.” “I’m sure you will, my alpha queen.” I blush lightly, his sexy tone making my heart soar. “I have to go.” Your father has not permitted me to speak to you.”

“You’re the alpha. Whether he permits it or doesn’t, he can’t stop you.” “I know I am the Alpha, but I need him to cooperate a little.”

“Just watch your back. I may have given you the power of the ultimate rank in this place, but there are those who will willingly stab you in the back.”

I nod, “Anyway, did your parents say anything?” I ask. He clenches his jaw, looking down.” Yeah, it’s a mess but… Annette is my father’s fated… and…”

“And?” I urge. “I’m not Dad’s biological son, never knew blood was so important… but yeah, I was born via a sperm donor.” He says quietly.

I stare at him, trying to process those words. It’s affected him. He’s quiet, and it’s obvious he doesn’t want to talk about it.

“It doesn’t change who you are. You are Sebastian King, the Black Beast who is the strongest, smartest and sexiest Alpha and businessman I know. And… 1 can’t wait for you to get out of here so we can…”

“Fuck?” “Bastian! I mean, be together.” I shake my head. “Be together? Is that really you saying that? I guess it’s your fault for taking so long to take me back,” he says arrogantly, the Bastian I know showing through, and it brings a smile to my face.

“Well, I don’t play easy… You needed to beg.” I tease, turning and kissing his palm. He brushes his fingers over my lips.

“Well, I can get down on my knees and beg you and serve you as you wish,” he murmurs. My stomach does a flip and I know I’ll be taking him up on that offer someday soon.

“As long as I enjoy it, too.” He adds cockily. I love this man. Smiling, I look up at him. “Well, I’ll hold you to it. I need to go. Annalise should be here soon, and I did invite Annette. I don’t know if she will show up. Have you been given anything to eat?”

“Yes, but I won’t touch it. I don’t trust it,” he says quietly. I frown, I didn’t even think of that, and I nod slowly. “Understood. I’ll bring food myself. I’ll be careful too.”

“Please do, especially for the children,” he says quietly. “And take care of my angel. She’ll get that antidote, no matter what.”

“She will. We’ll figure something out.” I promise before I slowly tug away, not wanting this moment to end. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Giving him one final smile, I turn and force myself to walk away, leaving him in this place. The mother and daughter duo now look at each other before looking at me with utmost confusion. If my mood wasn’t so off, I’d find it a little amusing.

They clearly are confused as to why I am sitting at the head of the hall. It’s morning, yet I already feel ready for the day to be over. They have come all dolled up as if it’s a tea party, not a questioning..

“Take your seats,” I say, looking at Annette emotionlessly. I didn’t expect her to come with Annalise. Aran’s mate… they were well suited.

But the list of people I respect is shrinking day by day. There are a few higher officials of the pack in attendance but I had made sure Aran was not in attendance..


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