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I Kissed A CEO And He Liked It! novel Chapter 16

The next day.

The sound of the alarm woke Gabrielle up at five in the morning. She got up hurriedly, despite how heavy her eyes were.

Last night, after a moment of getting cold shoulders from Kyle, he told her; he had an emergency business trip to Europe and that he was leaving at dawn.

While Kyle insisted that she did not have to aid him, she took it upon herself to get up. She was grateful for her newfound employment and she wanted to help in any way.

Rushing out, however, she saw a note on her door from Kyle and it read:


Sorry about last night. I wasn't myself.

I had to head out earlier. I'll be back on Friday. Don't forget to eat your meals. Rest and make use of the gym. I'll call you when I get a chance.


Her mouth easily formed into a circle. She bit her finger before saying, "Why does it sound like he was leaving a note to his girlfriend?"

Gabrielle quickly shook her head and told herself, "Stop it, Gaby. He is just... being nice."

Since Kyle had left, she opted to doze back to sleep and awoke again at eight in the morning. As he suggested, she used the gym and took the time to work on her school projects on a Sunday.

In the afternoon, she took a good nap, allowing her to rest until seven in the evening. She awoke after the doorbell to the penthouse rang.

When she opened the door, she found a hotel attendant bringing in dinner for her.

Gabrielle cleared her throat and said, "Ummm... I did not order dinner. I was... I was just going to fix myself some sandwiches."

"Well, Mister Wright ordered these for you, Miss Taylor," the lady said before handing the tray of food to her.

"Mister. Wright as in, Kyle?" She asked, completely bemused.

"Yes. Mr. Wright called it in half an hour ago," the hotel staff answered. "Enjoy your meal, Miss Taylor."

Gabrielle accepted the food and brought it to her room. She went to check her mobile and saw how she had two missed calls from Kyle and three text messages.

5:00 PM: [Gaby, how are you? Just checking in on you. Did you eat your lunch?]

6:00 PM: [Did you eat dinner? Gaby?]

6:00 PM: [I ordered for your dinner. You have to eat.]

Gabrielle sneered.

It was because Warren had been calling her earlier that day that she turned her mobile into silent mode.

She immediately texted him back after turning up her ring tone.

Gabrielle: [Sorry, Kyle. Had my phone on silent since my ex kept calling me. I ate lunch and will eat dinner now. Thank you for ordering food for me.]

She was about to turn to her coffee table and check what her dinner was when she noticed another text come in.


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