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I Kissed A CEO And He Liked It! novel Chapter 19

Hank: [Kyle, this is to inform you that Miss Taylor was in need of withdrawal. She needed to get her mother's necklace from her aunt and so I offered to pay for it for three thousand dollars.]

Kyle read the text coming from Hank.

Learning that he had dropped off Gabrielle at the lobby, he was anticipating her arrival. What he did not expect to see was a drenched Gabrielle Taylor, lost in her thoughts.

The second she opened the door, her face clearly reflected sorrow. Her eyes were sore and beautiful face lacked its normal radiance.

Kyle had never felt pain in all his life, but seeing her in such a state, he was equally plagued. Knitting his brows together, he asked, "Why are you wet? What happened?"

While he expected an answer from Gabrielle, the next thing she did was cry helplessly in his presence.

He noticed how she was trembling, holding a piece of jewelry in her hand.

Without another word, she embraced him so tight, wrapping her arms around his neck!

As Kyle returned the hold, not minding getting his clothes wet. He heard her say, "Kyle... thank you... Thank you so much for everything you have done for me."

He understood how it was about the necklace, but before he could talk about it, he said, "You need to take a warm shower, Gaby."

There was nothing else but care, expressing through his eyes as he pulled away. He reached for her face and wiped the tears from her cheeks with both his thumbs. He suggested, "You'll catch a cold. Please take a shower."

Gabrielle struggled to halt her tears, but she understood how she needed to get warmed. She nodded and slowly made her way to her room, with Kyle following behind her.


It was nearly an hour when Gabrielle came out to the living room, already bathed.

In her sweater and comfortable denim shorts, she quietly took the seat in front of Kyle.

She noticed how he had already changed. She then bit her lip, realizing she had surely wet his clothes.

Kyle pointed to a mug of warm drink on the center table and said, "Have some warm chocolate milk."

She nodded and thanked him before taking a few sips. After some time, she asked, "How are you back so early? I thought you would be back in the evening."

"I always take a private jet so I can leave anytime I wanted. I arrived early and decided to come home," he answered, looking straight into her eyes.

Gabrielle looked away, feeling her face turn warm with the intensity of his dark brown orbs. She asked, "Did Hank tell you?"

Kyle leaned over, maintaining to gaze at her, and responded, "Yes, he informed me, and don't worry about the cost. We'll figure something out... later."

After emptying the warm drink, Gabrielle reached for her pocket on the side of her short pants and pulled out her mother's necklace. She explained, "This - this was a family heirloom. That was what my mother said, but I never met any of my relatives from her side... I don't even know anything about them."

"Can I see?" Kyle asked.


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