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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It was the middle of summer.

Inside the Shepard Villa, a young woman sat on an expensive leather sofa, lazily enjoying her bubblegum. Her flawless skin seemed to glisten under the sunlight.

She was as beautiful as a work of art.

She puffed and blew a bubble even larger than her face.

“Bonnie’s just not good enough for me, okay? I’m canceling the wedding!”

The man standing in the doorway threw the young woman a disgusted look.

Bonnie’s mother, Vera Shepard, was alarmed.

“Hadwin, I know I can’t really blame you for this because Bonnie is always fooling around.

“But her grandpa and your grandpa wanted you to marry her. How could you cancel the wedding just like that?”

Vera shot Bonnie a glare.

“Apologize to Hadwin now, and promise that you’ll never fool around again!”

Bonnie popped her bubblegum and looked up defiantly.

“Apologize? He should be the one apologizing to me! He broke his promise to marry me and insulted


Vera was infuriated.

Before she could say a word, Bonnie continued, Besides, I’ve never fooled around, okay? He’s the one who’s been cheating on me! So I don’t care if the wedding is canceled anyway.”

“Bonnie! Why, you—”

Vera spoke through clenched teeth.

“Enough, Vera.”

Holding up his hand, Hadwin interrupted and said, “Bonnie’s beauty is only skin deep. I appreciate inner beauty more.

“I’ll never marry someone like her, even if she begs me to. There’s only one girl I’ll ever marry-

He looked upstairs lovingly.

“And that’s Trina.”



“Hadwin!” Moved, Trina Shepard rushed downstairs.

“Trina!” Hadwin strode over to the stairwell and opened his arms.

Trina threw herself into his embrace.

Tears welled up in Trina’s eyes. “I can finally marry you now!”

“I’m sorry, Trina, I should have canceled the wedding sooner.

“It’s all right. I know you had your reasons…”

As the couple made eyes at each other, Bonnie received a text:

“Ms. Bonita, the research is at its final stage. Elite soldiers have been sent to escort you for your safety. We’re arriving now.

But she didn’t think Bonnie had been humiliated enough.

A teary–eyed Trina started to choke up. “It’s not her fault, mom. It’s all on me. I shouldn’t have stolen her fiancé. I-”

“Why would I blame you? You’re a born slut. You can’t help yourself, can you?


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