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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13


They looked at the person Kay Steele was talking to and realized it was Bonnie!

Everyone, including Dwayne, widened their eyes in astonishment.

Bonnie recognized Kay. She was the girl who had wanted to learn kickboxing from her.

Just give up, okay? I’m not going to teach you anything.

Kay looked at Bonnie desperately. Come on. I promise I’ll be a good student. Please? I’m begging you!


Everyone looked at Bonnie in disbelief.

Was the VVIP who had terrified Dwayne really begging Bonnie for something?

Your mentor?

What’s this about, Ms. Kay? Why do you want her to be Dwayne asked tentatively.

It’s none of your goddamn business!Kay rolled her eyes at Dwayne and continued to plead with


Please, Ms. Bonnie. If you agree to mentor me, I’ll do anything you say.Her abrupt change of attitude showed how little regard she had for Dwayne.

I told you

you, I’m not taking students,Bonnie said with a frown.

Kay dropped the subject when she saw that Bonnie was getting impatient with her. Are you here for karaoke? Why don’t you join us?

She’s the birthday girl. You should ask her.

Bonnie looked at Sacha.

Kay shot Sacha a meaningful glare.

Sacha shuddered. Since Ms. Kay has invited us to join her, why not?.

Kay chuckled. She said yes, Ms. Bonnie.

Alright then.

Kay sat beside Bonnie and started talking nonstop.

Sacha felt a little neglected. It was her birthday, after all.

Are you okay, Sacha?Tilda asked, concerned.

Sacha played the victim and shook her head with tears in her eyes. I’m fine.

But anyone could tell she was not fine at all.

Chapter 13


Sacha’s friends whispered among themselves.

Bonnie is so inconsiderate! She knows it’s Sacha’s birthday, but she’s trying to steal the limelight.

But why would Bonnie know a VVIP like Ms. Kay?

She must have done something sneaky to meet her, of course. What a conniving, shameless bitch!

Kay heard them.

Hey, assholes! If it weren’t for Ms. Bonnie, you wouldn’t be able to have your party here.

Since Kay had said it herself, the others could only lower their heads.

You’re the ones who were being inconsiderate, you idiots!

Kay looked at Bonnie.

Do you mind if I kick them out?

Bonnie raised her brow and said, Go ahead.

How could you,

you, Bonnie? They were just talking. Don’t be so petty.Sacha spoke up.

Bonnie smiled at her. You’re done? Good. You can leave now. You too, Dwayne.

Dwayne, Sacha, and others were exasperated.

Hey, what are you waiting for? Get lost!

Kay waved, and several bodyguards marched toward them.

Dwayne and others quickly hurried out of the room.

Do you like the way I handled that?Kay asked Bonnie.

Thanks for getting rid of them. I don’t like to owe anyone favors.

So will you mentor me?Kay asked excitedly.

I need to check with the guy who taught me kickboxing first.

Who is he? I bet he’s a master!

His last name is Burns. He lives in the mountains.

Kay’s eyes went wide.

Are you talking about Cary Burns, the guy who’s over a hundred years old?


Oh my God! He’s the greatest kickboxer in the country. So that’s why you’re so good! I heard that all his students are kickboxing experts.

At that moment, Bonnie received a text from Cary that read, I don’t mind if you start teaching.

Chapter 13


Kay heard the message notification, craned her neck to look, and leapt to her feet in excitement when she saw what it said.

The phone dinged again as another message from Cary popped up.


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