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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 3

When Ivor saw Bonnie's beautiful face, his eyes lit up, which rarely happened.

It wasn’t just because of her looks. It was also because of what she had just said.

Ged burst out laughing. "That's a good one! You're funny, I'll give you that."

"You don't believe me?"

Bonnie didn't care if they believed her, but she wanted to tell the truth.

She looked serious, but Ged started to doubt her.

"Do you know what car this is? Do you really expect us to believe that you gave it to Sigmund?"

It was clear that he didn't think she could afford it.

Bonnie nodded, "This model was launched three years ago by Mercedez, with a global limited edition of ten units, I think."

She remembered that was what the tycoon had told her.

Ged's eyes went wide. 'She knows?

'She knows, but she still has the nerve to claim that she gave this to Sigmund? She's f*cking unbelievable!

'How could Sigmund want Ivor to marry her? She's so full of sh*t!'

Ged decided not to pursue the matter out of respect for the Knight family.

Soon, the car reached the Knight Residence.

"We're here," Ivor told Bonnie impassively.

She opened the door and got out.

Ged looked over his shoulder at Ivor. "Bro, I know it's none of my business, but Sigmund’s made a bad choice."

Ivor said, "I told you, I wanted to have nothing to do with her."

Ged was relieved he was not interested in her.


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