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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 402

Nancy was teary-eyed as she remained tied to the bed’s headboard. She said, “Let me go, Shiloh! How dare you tie me up!”

Shiloh sat on the sidelines and enjoyed some snacks while holding a whip. She retorted, “Sis, just be a good girl and marry Kael. Otherwise, you’ll know how it feels to get whipped.”

Nancy looked at Shiloh’s hands and noticed they were covered with hangnails. The former said, “I can’t believe you’re using such methods. Aren’t you worried the cops will come after you?”

“Hmph, how absurd. You’re in my house, and there aren’t any cameras in my room. No one will know if I whip you,” Shiloh said, unfazed.

“Your house, huh?” Nancy paled and smiled weakly. “Who do you think you are? I’m the one who was born into this family. You took everything from me, including my status. What more do you want?

“Answer me! You guys kicked me out of my rightful family. What will it take for you to stop?! Do you want me to die before you do?!” Nancy roared from the bottom of her soul, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her eyes were full of despair.

“Don’t worry, Nancy. I won’t kill you. If I did, I’d have to be responsible for it. Getting your pathetic blood on my hands isn’t worth it. All you have to do is marry Kael.”

“Over my dead body! I’ll never be you or your mother’s pawn. You’re better off killing me, Shiloh!”

“Hmph, you’re dreaming if you think I’ll let you off that easily.” Shiloh cracked her whip.

“Gah!” Nancy trembled all over.

“Trying to act tough, are we? I won’t stop whipping you until you agree to marry Kael.” Shiloh whipped her stepsister again.

Nancy bore the pain and raised her gaze at Shiloh. The former scoffed, saying, “Do you think I’m afraid of you? Bring it on!”

“I’ll be happy to, tough guy!” She struck Nancy with the whip yet again.

Suddenly, someone kicked down the door.



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