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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 403

Chapter 403 

Shiloh shrieked in pain and fear as her face began to bleed. She glared at Bonnie as if she was about to skin her alive. Damn you, Bonnie! I’ll show you the meaning of agony!” 

Bonnie brandished the whip, saying, I have the whip now. I’ll throw your words back at you –instead of begging for mercy, you’re acting like a hero. It seems I have to remind you of your position with some lashes.” 

You wouldn’t dare! I’m a member of a prominent family, while you’re a nobody without a family. You’ll pay if you lay even a finger on me!” 


Bonnie whipped Shiloh, causing the latter to let out a bloodcurdling scream. Bonnie had hit Shiloh far harder than when Shiloh whipped Bonnie. Shiloh could only roll on the floor and curse, You’ll pay for this, Bonnie! I’ll—” 

Whip! Crack, crack! Whoosh

Bonnie lashed at Shiloh relentlessly, and the last one hit Shiloh’s face. The latter covered her burning face. She knew her face would bear a scar for life. Fuck you, Bonnie!” 

As far as I can tell, you aimed for my face earlier, too. I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine. That’s enough of your crap. Now, back to whipping.Bonnie continued to lash at Shiloh

Suddenly, a group of bodyguards in black suits barged in and surrounded them. Shiloh screamed when a middleaged couple emerged from the group, Mom, Dad, save me!” 

Shiloh!Julia hastened over and held her daughter. My poor baby! Who did this to you?!” 

It was her, Mom! That’s Bonnie! She’s the one who did this to me! You must punish her for me. I want her to regret messing with me!Shiloh roared resentfully

Julia’s eyes were bloodshot as she glared at Bonnie. How dare you hurt my daughter?! You’ll pay for this!” 

Shiloh’s father, Josiah, gestured at the bodyguards and ordered, Seize her, now!” 

Right away, sir!The bodyguards looked at Bonnie viciously and raised their fists before charging at her

Nancy grew anxious and shouted, Bonnie, run! Forget about me and leave, now!” 

Don’t worry. I have everything under control.Bonnie glanced at Nancy comfortingly


However, her eyes turned cold when she shifted her gaze to the bodyguards. Bonnie loosened her fists and dashed at them

She did not hold any punches. All her strikes were precise and drew blood. Her fury was evident at that moment




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