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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 427

Chapter 427 


Before Bonnie could reject, Russell added, After all, you’re their new leader. You’re the new president of Pyralis University. Are you honestly going to ask me to keep your identity hidden when you’re the new head? How does that even make sense?” 

She thought about it and found that he had a point. Alright, then. We’ll do it your way.” 

He was thrilled to see that she had given way to his wishes. It felt as if he had primarily recovered from his illness. He whipped his head and looked at his assistant. He said excitingly, Do it, now! Inform the top management personnel that we will have the meeting tomorrow!” 

His assistant reminded him. Tomorrow’s Saturday, Mr. Russell.” 

Geez. Look at me and my dummy brain! Gah! Why does it have to be a Saturday tomorrow?Russell was so worked up that he worried she might change her mind after a few days

Calm down, Mr. Russell. We can have the meeting next Monday!” 

How am I supposed to calm down? We’re talking about three days here! I have to work my butt to finally trick Bonnie into taking the position

What will I do if she regrets her decision after a few days? Will you find another worthy person to take over my position?Russell growled

His assistant’s jaw dropped. Then, he gave the president a look

Russell came back to his senses and looked at her immediately. Don’t get me wrong, Bonnie. I don’t mean that. I didn’t try to trick you. I wanted you to be the university president! I’m honestly doing what’s best for my students. I” 

It’s okay, Russell.She smiled hopelessly. It doesn’t matter if you’re tricking me. The fact is, I gave you my word, and I intend to keep it. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be there in the meeting on Monday.” 

Russell let out a sigh of relief. He could finally rest easy now

Bonnie returned to her villa and caught a delicious odor from the kitchen. She entered it and was pleasantly surprised to see Ivor making dinner

You’re home. Wash your hands. Dinner’s about to be ready.The affection in his voice was unmistakable, and she liked it

Walking over to his side, she saw that he had finished several dishes. They looked delicious


When did you learn to cook?” 

I’ve seen you done it a few times. So, I secretly remembered the steps.” 

h, so that’s how it is. You stole my culinary skills. You have to know that this is a serious offense. Tell me, what will you do about it?she said deliberately

Taking off the apron, he unbuttoned his shirt

WWhat do you think you’re doing?She took a step back

Didn’t you just ask me to do something about it? Well, it’s not like you need money. So, I have no choice but to offer you my excellent body.He said it in the most gentlemanly tone

She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. Then, she changed the topic immediately. Let’s eat. I want to taste your cooking.” 

He stopped in his tracks. He had unbuttoned a couple of his buttons. If only she had gone along with him, he would’ve done it all through

Not long after, he served all the dishes on the dining table

Dinner’s ready, Vince. Come on down,she shouted at the little boy upstairs


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