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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 428

Chapter 428 

Bonnie’s brows knitted tightly. “Why couldn’t you have been more careful?” 

It might’ve sounded like she was scolding him, but the deep affection in her tone was unmistakable

Ivor’s lips curled into a smile. It’s great that my hands got burnt. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know how much she cared about me.‘ 

It’s okay. These are but small injuries. It’ll recover by itself after a few days.” 

Turning around, she climbed the stairs and brought her medkit down. I’m going to pierce the blisters and apply some ointment. You’ll have to bear with it.” 

It’s okay, I mean it. You should go back to dinner. You must’ve been exhausted after an entire day of classes.” 

Stop moving!One phrase. That was all it took for Ivor to stop in his tracks

Ged had just come in when he saw this moment. What a bad timing.‘ 

I came here for a free meal. Why do I have to suffer this loveydovey moment?” 

Then, he walked over to their side and saw the blisters on Ivor’s hands

What’s going on with your hands, Ivor?” 

Vince responded, Ivor was burnt when he tried to cook.” 

That stunned Ged. DDid the boy just say you’re trying to cook, Ivor?Then, he looked at the sky and said, I wonder if the sun’s going to come out from the west tomorrow.‘ 

Averting his gaze from the sky, he watched Bonnie apply the ointment for Ivor. He pursed his lips. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why Ivor was cooking

Let’s see. How does your cooking taste?” 

He randomly picked a dish and popped it into his mouth

Mmm! It tastes great! I didn’t think you’d be able to cook this well!” 

Ivor looked at her with humor in his eyes. That’s because I have a wonderful fiancé.” 

Suddenly, Ged didn’t think his dishes were as delicious as they were a second ago. Tsk tsk tsk! It’s salty. It tastes very salty! Did you pour a whole bottle of salt into your dishes?” 

Vince proceeded to eat several more mouthfuls. Then, he said, bewildered, It isn’t sour

Chapter 428 

though. They’re delicious if you ask me.” 


You’re just a kid. You won’t get it.Ged looked at the little boy’s delicate face. At the next moment, he said puzzlingly

Huh? Don’t you find the little boy’s mug a little familiar? Why do I get the feeling I’ve seen 

him before?” 

Ivor and Bonnie glance at Vince. Truthfully, they feel the same way

Later, she packed up her medkit and told Ivor, Tomorrow’s Saturday. You should take a good rest at home. You don’t have to drop by,” 


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