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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 474

Harold said, “Let’s stop talking about Bonnie. It’ll just bring us bad luck. Master Orson will host an art exhibition soon anyway. We’ll attend it together and butter him up. Then, he might be so delighted that he’ll give us one of his paintings for free.”

“You’re right. We’ll have to take the chance to butter him up real nice that day,” Yolanda added.

“Achoo!” Bonnie sneezed.

“Are you okay, Sis? Did you catch a cold?” Benedict asked with concern.

“It’s nothing. My nose was just itchy.” Then, Bonnie looked at the last item for bid tonight, and her eyes sparkled.

After taking the stage and discussing the item for a lengthy time, the host said, “Now that I’ve said a lot about the clay teapot, you should all know how valuable it is. So, I’ll stop talking your ears off and start the bidding.”

Ivor gazed at the item as he sat in his private room, thinking, ‘That’s the same one Grandpa has. I’m sure of it.’

“Floyd, bid until we get it. Price isn’t an issue.”

“Understood, Mr. Ivor.”

The host continued, “We won’t sell this item as usual. Instead, we’ll trade it off. If you can name an item the seller loves, they will trade this teapot for it.”

When the bidders heard that, they clamored. One asked, “Is the seller looking for something specific?”

The host responded, “Anything will do. You can start naming your items. The seller will stop us if they’re interested in something you’ve mentioned.”


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