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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 475

Benedict leaned in and listened to Bonnie. His eyes grew wider by the second.

She asked, “Got it?”

“Y-Yeah, I’ll check on it now,” he stammered. He then left the private room and shouted at the host onstage, “My mistress wants to make an offer but doesn’t want to reveal it to everyone.”

The host checked with the organizer privately. After receiving a confirmation, he gestured for Benedict to go to the stage. Everyone, including Ivor, was curious about the mysterious figure who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

‘What in the world is she offering?! It must be something highly unusual.’

Benedict whispered to the host, “I heard the Hawkins from Olisgow are the organizers for this auction. The head of the family is well over eighty and haunted by a stubborn condition, right? My mistress says she can hire the miracle doctor to treat him for free for the rest of his life.”

The host’s eyes widened in surprise. He did not need to check with the organizer because he knew the Hawkins would agree. “All right, done!”

He turned and addressed the crowd, “The final item for tonight, Master Yadel’s clay teapot, has been sold to the bidder in private room thirteen!”

Immediately after, the crowd discussed the situation, trying to guess who was in that private room. After all, the host looked like he had just heard the most outstanding deal in his life.

Ivor’s brows furrowed as he fell silent. When he suddenly stood up, Floyd was confused. It was out of character for Ivor to admit defeat and leave. Floyd asked, “Are we leaving already, Mr. Ivor?”

“We’re going to private room thirteen,” Ivor said as he intimidatingly marched toward the room next door.

Bonnie was leaving when she saw a masked Ivor at the door. She asked, “Can I help you?”

He looked inside and said, “May I have a word with you?”


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