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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 5

"Her name? Bonnie Shepard. B-O-N-N-I-E, S-H-E-P-A-R-D."

"Please hold, sir. Let me check the records."

A minute later, the voice came through, stammering this time.

"Y—you’ve made a mistake. Bon—" she coughed, "Bonnie Shepard hasn’t broken any law or escaped from the police.

"If you make a false report again, we'll charge you!"

With that, she hung up.

Gresham was stupefied. Vera was beside him and had heard everything the police officer said.

"Are you done? I'll go upstairs then." Bonnie left.

Vera felt a sense of pity as she watched her walk away.

After all, Bonnie might be a loser, but she was still her daughter.

"I’m sorry, Bonnie. We were wrong about you."

Saddened, Bonnie stopped and looked over her shoulder at Vera. That woman hardly ever apologized to her and was never so gentle to her.

Gresham sighed.

"I was just worried about you. Anyway, I apologize."

Bonnie frowned. "It's okay."

The living room fell silent, and Bonnie spoke first.

"I'm hitting the sack."


Vera stopped Bonnie. "What on earth happened the other day? Why did you get taken away?"

"I told you, it's classified. I'll tell you when the time is right."

Bonnie told her the truth.

Vera was losing her patience and felt disappointed and angry.

She didn’t want to hear any more lies, so she changed the subject.

"The school called. They said they might kick you out if you skip classes again."

"I'll handle it."

Bonnie wasn't worried about getting kicked out of school because she could easily get someone to take care of that.

But Vera exploded.

"You'll handle it? How? Do you think you're the principal or something? You're 20 years old, Bonnie! You could have graduated long ago if you hadn't skipped school so often. Hell, you even took one whole year off before!

"Trina was born on the same day as you, but she's already a sophomore at Pyralis University!

“If you keep fooling around like this, you’ll never get into college!

“And even if you do, it'll probably be some third-rate college!"

Bonnie had told Vera why she had to take a break from school back then.

But her parents didn't believe her and had scolded her for lying.

Bonnie didn't bother trying to explain herself again.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to some third-rate college. I'll be going to Pyralis University."

"Pyralis University?"

Vera could hardly believe her ears.

"Yup." Bonnie nodded.

"That's the best university in Pyralis! Only the cream of the crop gets in there!

“Trina got in because she studied hard day and night.

“You’ve repeated grades for two years. What makes you think you can get in?"

"I'll have no problem getting in if I become the top scorer in the entrance test."

Bonnie was confident.


"Okay, I'm in."

"That's terrific!" Heath Rice sounded excited. "The Shepherd and the Knight are the titans of the chess world. This will be the game of the century! I'm really looking forward to it. I'll reply to him right away!"



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