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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 503

“She’s right, Keenan. They’re vying for you. Come and sit with me. Don’t worry. I have no interest in men at all.”

When this particular girl said that, the entire lecture hall fell silent. Everyone, including the boys, looked at her strangely and judged her inwardly. Although the girl was thick-skinned, the students’ glares irritated her.

Ultimately, she raised a book and hid behind it.

As the pin-drop silence hung over the hall, Keenan left the podium and sat beside Bonnie. That simple action upset everyone.

“Why would he even sit there?”

“That’s what I want to know!”

Suddenly, Avril said, “That’s because Bonnie is gorgeous!”

The girls disliked how she phrased it, but it was true. Nonetheless, Bonnie turned to look at him and asked, “Reporting for duty?”

Keenan bolted upright and yelled, “Yes, m’lady! I’ll keep you safe! Nothing will happen to you as long as I’m around!”

Everyone was shocked as they gawked at the duo. Even Bonnie was dumbfounded by his sudden reaction.

‘I just greeted him out of courtesy. Why’d he have to react like that?’

The school counselor took a while to recover from her daze. Afterward, she said, “Take a seat, Keenan.”

However, Keenan gazed at Bonnie as if he had not heard the counselor's words. The former was the best combatant in the task force, young and massively talented. He was also a rebellious soul.

Keenan would not answer to anyone except Jim and a handful of people. Several days ago, Jim called him and told him to protect someone. Keenan rejected the request vehemently because he was uninterested in protecting some fat cat.


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