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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 504

Avril and Bonnie were about to take their seats and have lunch when Toby and Coleman approached with their food trays.

Three handsome college students, each charming in their own way, sat around Bonnie. All the girls lost their appetites when they saw the group sitting together.

“I just don’t get it. I know Bonnie’s beautiful, but that’s all there is. She has a nasty character while Coleman and the others don’t seem to be the superficial type.”

“I agree. Bonnie must’ve used wicked means and tricked them.”

One of the guys said meekly, “If Coleman and the others aren’t superficial, maybe Bonnie isn’t as nasty as the rumors say.”

The girls around the guy attacked him, “Are you defending her because you’re mesmerized by her good looks?”

“That has to be it. All men are the same. You guys can never see what’s beneath someone’s looks.”

“Do you think Coleman and Toby are as superficial as you? Bonnie’s just cunning with her tricks and whatnot. Just wait and see, someone will expose her for the real bitch she is. Then, she’ll become a public enemy.”

The guy stayed quiet, thinking, ‘I just voiced my opinion. Also, I formed my assumption based on logic. That shouldn’t warrant a verbal attack like that.’

Once classes ended, Keenan followed Bonnie back to Lenfield Resort. The first thing she saw when she entered her house was Ivor in an apron making dinner. She said curiously, “I recall Floyd telling me you’d be busy with work today.”

He smiled at her and said, “You got that wrong. I’m not that busy today.”

His smile turned eerie when he gazed at the person behind Bonnie. Hence, she turned and looked at Keenan.

‘Oh, I think I see what’s going on here.’


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