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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 523

‘Who is it?

‘Who’s speaking?

‘Who’s the young, fearless fool that dares speak so rudely before two prestigious figures in the world of traditional painting?’

Everyone was bewildered. They swapped glances and tried to check out the speaker. Among the crowd, Rhys and Titus were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Then, they took a step back simultaneously, trying to put as much distance from Bonnie as they possibly could.

That was right. Bonnie was the one who claimed the painting was fake.

Everyone was baffled. They didn’t think she’d be this audacious and make such bold claims when the place was filled with influential figures.

‘We have to stay away from her and put some distance as much as possible. We have to pretend that we don’t know her. She’s going to drag us down with her.’

‘I have a net worth of a million and forty thousand dollars. I can be as cocky as I want on other occasions. However, I’m a nobody in a place like this.

‘I seriously wanted to win her heart, but I can’t do that if I’m dead. I have to protect my family and my wealth now.’

“Who the hell said my painting is a fake?” Kobe’s expression was as black as charcoal. He swept his eyes across the crowd sharply.

Both Rhys and Titus trembled when his gaze landed on them.

“I-It’s her! She said it!” Rhys reached out and pointed at Bonnie.

“You did?” he glared at her menacingly. To his surprise, the young lady didn’t flinch when she met his gaze.

‘Who the hell is this young lady?’

Before he could investigate, he saw Orson walk over to her from the corner of his eyes. Then, his rival bowed and saluted her.

“You should’ve let me know you’d be coming, Master Bonnie. I would’ve welcomed you personally.”


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