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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 524

“Oh?” Kobe raised his brow. “Judging by your tone, you must be insinuating you have an authentic painting of Master Kieran’s.”

“I guess you can say that,” Bonnie responded casually.

That was when everyone lost it.

“Did she just say she has it? If that’s the case, her net worth is easily more than a hundred and eighty million dollars!”

Rhys heard that. Then, he thought about how he had earlier boasted about his net worth of one million and forty thousand dollars to her. All of a sudden, he felt like such a clown.

Titus looked awful as well. After all, he kept badmouthing Bonnie the moment he met her. Worse, he looked down on her as well.

Now, however, it seemed as if he was the clown all along.

“Do you have it? A-Are you serious?!” Kobe was so shocked that he was stuttering.

Even Orson was staring at her with sparkling eyes.

‘Master Kieran has only ever made a few paintings in her lifetime. Out of the few of them, only a couple of them were put up for auction. One of them was purchased by a wealthy foreign businessman, while the other one was purchased by the richest family in Pyralis, the Knights.

‘Now, it seems Bonnie possessed Master Kieran’s painting. Oh, my. I’m already in love with the painting now! I love it so much that I might rob it from her.”

Instead of going down this topic, she walked over to Kobe’s painting and pointed at the tabby cat. “Over here. The color isn’t right on this tuft of fur.”

“What do you mean?” He squinted and asked.

“There’s something wrong with the stripes.”

“How is it wrong?”


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