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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 533

She raised the gun and fired so fast that people's eyes couldn't keep up. Ears were buzzing, and each shot hit different positions.

However, no one dared to ridicule or mock her this time. With each shot, two words gradually appeared on the target.



That's right. It was Sienna's name written backward.

Not a single shot was missed, nor was any shot redundant. All shots were precise, perfectly displaying the three characters "Mcleod Sienna" in front of everyone.

This marksmanship was akin to hitting the bullseye every time, made even more impressive by Bonnie's recent consistent shooting speed. Such marksmanship was superior to Sienna's.

Everyone present was stunned by Bonnie's marksmanship. They stood there dumbfounded while staring straight at the target.

Someone swallowed nervously, followed by a chorus of gasps.

"My god! That's my Bonwick!"

Orpheus was utterly impressed. He had always admired Bonnie from the bottom of his heart, and now he was so impressed that he couldn't express it in words.

He patted Ivor on the shoulder. "Ivor, if you don't take good care of Bonwick, I won't recognize you as my nephew."

A smile tugged at the corners of Ivor's mouth, and his eyes focused on Bonnie. There was no room for anyone else.

"Don't worry, I stake my life on it. I'll keep her by my side for the rest of my life."


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