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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 539

While Elsa was puzzled, she followed Kramer's gaze and saw the beautiful girl by the side of the road. It made her blush, and her heart beat faster even though.

It was no wonder her brother was acting like this.

"Look at her. It seems like she's lost. Let me help her find her way!"

Kramer enthusiastically drove the car to Bonnie's side and rolled down the window.

"Hey gorgeous, are you lost? Where are you headed? I'm a local here, so I know every place well."

"Kramer!" Elsa rolled her eyes at Kramer. "You're scaring her. She doesn't even know you."

He felt a sense of unease. ‘Indeed! We don’t know each other. My overly enthusiastic demeanor might frighten any ordinary girl. Oh no, what if she runs away?’

Then he heard Bonnie's calm and composed voice. "You're a local? Are you familiar with this place?"

Kramer stared at Bonnie. What surprised him was that this girl didn't seem to be afraid at all. Could she be inexperienced and naive, so she had no worries?

"Yes, where are you headed? Don't worry, my sister is also in the car. We're good people."

Good or bad, Bonnie wasn't afraid at all. If she encountered a bad person, the one who should be afraid was the bad person.

"I don't know exactly where I'm going."

Bonnie's answer made Kramer pause. "You don't know? Then…"

"Do you know Jim Ray?" Bonnie asked.

Kramer was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Elsa.

"Why are you looking for Jim?"


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