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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 555

“Um, I’d say the two are equally beautiful.”

“Are you serious? Is Ms. Bonita that pretty?” Floyd whined. “How’s that fair? Typically, the smart ones don’t look too pretty or handsome. On the contrary, those with good looks are usually naive and gullible.

“I didn’t expect Ms. Bonita to be intelligent and gorgeous. I wonder if any man will be worthy of her. I always thought Ms. Bonnie was brilliant and beautiful. However, Ms. Bonita might have her beat.

“What’ll I do now? Ms. Bonnie is such a lovely woman, too. I want her to marry Mr. Ivor. Although Ms. Bonita is excellent, she—” Floyd was so stressed that he wanted to pull his hair out.

Jim glanced at him and said, “There’s nothing to worry about.”

“How can I not worry? You’re Ms. Bonita’s bodyguard and Ms. Bonnie’s good friend, right? So, which would you prefer Mr. Ivor to end up with?” Floyd asked solemnly.

Jim shrugged. “I’m fine with either.”

Floyd’s eyes widened in shock.

Meanwhile, Bonnie stared at Ivor. Although she told him to sit across the aisle, he showed no signs of moving. Instead, he remained beside her and said, “I wanted to have a deep discussion about the latest nanomaterial.”

“What do you mean?”

“My company has integrated it into our production, but we’re running into severe hiccups.” Ivor proceeded to tell her every detail.

She carefully listened to everything he said before answering, “The truth is that this iteration isn’t perfect.”

“It’s imperfect? What do you mean?”

“I mean it literally. Although no technology is perfect, we won’t stop trying to perfect it. We’ll keep improving it over time. That’s how we make breakthroughs in science. It’s also my way of telling you that my institute is researching the latest nanomaterials on a more advanced level.

“I hope it’ll allow us to refine it further. Naturally, such research takes a long time. You’ll be disappointed if you’re expecting a breakthrough anytime soon.”


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