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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 597

Listening to his increasingly serious tone, Sydney's heart skipped a beat. She smiled awkwardly and said, "It's not a blind date. It's just a simple meeting. So you can get to know each other."

Ivor maintained a severe expression and responded, "Aunt Sydney, I will only marry Bonnie in this lifetime. Apart from her, I don't want anyone else. So please don't meddle."

Sydney’s expression turned unpleasant.

"Ivor, is it appropriate to pamper her like this? Are you not worried about spoiling her if you continue to treat her this way?"

Ivor raised an eyebrow and countered, "By your logic, does that mean you don't want your husband to treat you well? Or are you jealous of my wife?"

Everyone desired to be pampered and well-treated by their spouse. Sydney was no exception. After hearing Ivor's words, she couldn't help feeling envious. Then, she turned her head and directed her anger toward Gunnar.

Even though Sydney didn't say anything, Gunnar immediately understood her meaning. Instantly, cold sweat beaded on his forehead, and he hurriedly defended himself.

"Honey, am I not good enough for you? I buy you anything you want and listen to whatever you say. You're my everything! I've already given you everything I can. Will you stop looking at me like that?"

Sydney's lips curled up in satisfaction. "That's right."

Seeing the smile on Sydney's face, Ivor chuckled. "Aunt Sydney, look at how well Uncle Gunnar treats you, and how much he spoils you. So why can't I treat my wife the same way?"

Sydney’s mouth twitched, but she couldn't utter a word.

"Aunt Sydney, if there's nothing else, you can go home. I have some work to attend to." Ivor knew Sydney had nothing more to say and gave her a way out.

After all, Sydney was his uncle's wife.

Sydney smiled and replied, "Then we won't disturb your work. You focus on what you need to do."

She then walked over, grabbed Gunnar's sleeve, and pulled him away.


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