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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 639

Sharron was pissed off, too. She glared at Eloise, wanting to say something, but she could only let out a heavy sigh of disappointment.

Eloise admitted to the matter, knowing that further denial would be meaningless now that it had been revealed.

"Yes, I did it. I just couldn't stand Bonnie!"

She looked straight at Ivor as she spoke and suddenly burst into laughter. As she laughed, tears rolled down her cheeks. Her laughter and tears made her look particularly frenzied.

Chester was about to speak up to stop Eloise's behavior. But before he could, Eloise's voice rang out again.

"Ivor, I've known you for so many years, and we studied abroad together. You know that I like you, but you never gave me a chance. I waited, hoping that one day you would like me back. But what happened? Y-You fell in love with someone else!"

At this point, Eloise's tone was filled with resentment.

"I just don't understand. What's so good about Bonnie compared to our many years together? Calling me a mistress? I say she's the mistress!"

She thought, ‘I wanted to teach Bonnie a lesson, to let her know how formidable I am. I wanted her to leave the person I liked. Who knew it would be exposed so quickly?

‘Ivor came to question me in person for that despicable Bonnie! The love I had persisted in for so long was just a joke.’


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