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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 641

"Apologize to Bonnie on the internet? Why, Dad? Hasn't Ivor already left? Why do you have to force me like this?" Tears almost blinded Eloise's eyes. She grabbed Chester's hand, filled with sadness.

"Dad, please spare me. I know I was wrong, I really do."

Chester sighed heavily and shook off Eloise's hand helplessly. "Even if you know you were wrong, it's useless. Because it's not me who wants to punish you, it's Ivor."

"W-Why?!" Eloise looked anxious and puzzled. "H-Hasn't he already left? And he didn't mention anything about asking me to apologize to Bonnie on the internet before."

Chester let out a heavy, cold snort from his nose.

"Do you think that he would forgive you so easily? If that were the case, why would he bother coming here in person to discuss this matter with us? He's waiting for our response now.

“If we don't satisfy him enough, he will cause trouble for us. So, you must make a public apology!"

Eloise bit her lip so hard that she tasted blood.

"I thought he would overlook my mistakes considering the decades of friendship between our families. I didn't expect him to go this far for that wench!"

She hated Bonnie to the core and wished she could tear her to pieces and strip her of her tendons and bones.

"What's done is done. No matter what we say now, it's useless. You must do as I say, or else the entire Gallagher family might be implicated because of you," Chester commanded in an uncompromising tone, leaving no room for negotiation.

Eloise knew the seriousness of the situation. She had to grit her teeth and agree, even if she was unwilling.

"I... un... der... stand..."

At 6 p.m., Eloise started a live stream with her account to publicly apologize to Bonnie and explain the incident to netizens.

As netizens learned the truth, shock and anger swept through the comments section.


The readers' comments on the novel: I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight)