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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 675

“You’re a university security team member, Bonnie. Since they’ve entrusted you with keeping that painting safe, you’ll have to ensure it does not come in harm's way. People are about to arrive, and you can’t afford to make a single mistake.

“After all, you can’t pay for it if it gets lost or something,” Selina spoke in a highly unfriendly tone as she stared at Bonnie.

The latter smirked and gazed into Selina’s eyes, saying, “Don’t worry. I might lose interest in you, but I won’t lose the painting.”

Selina grunted and mocked Bonnie, “Hmph, confident, are you? Watch out, or your confidence might be your undoing. When that happens, you can’t return from it.”

“Thanks, but I don’t need your concern.” Bonnie raised her chin. “I’m just that confident in myself. If I say the painting won’t go missing, it won’t.”

Selina was stumped. She gritted her teeth, wishing to rip Bonnie to pieces. “Don’t celebrate just yet. If you end up losing the painting, the university will expel you.”

“Again, I don’t need your concern. If you have time to poke your nose in my business, you should use it worrying about yourself.”

Immediately after, Bonnie’s phone rang. She looked at it and saw Terry’s name.

‘He wouldn’t call me if it weren’t urgent. Did something go wrong at the research institute?’

With that in mind, Bonnie answered the call, “What’s wrong?”


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